Cute Project

Sssshhhhh it's top secret
A tasteful game that takes a deep look at mental illness. It has cute characters and environments, though the meaning isn't trivialized
What I want to do with this project is to shed light on mental illness and various emotional "disorders" is a tasteful manner. I feel like even in today's society mental illness is still stigmatized. It also explores how people are treated in psychiatric institutions. I'm trying not to trivialize anything and I hope that the cute characters and environments make the subject manner a little more lighthearted. 
You play as a Observation Robot to an Evil Scientist Society (whose goal is to discover the secrets of human emotion). As you control your robot you clearly find out that merely observing humans in need is heart breaking and you help them. You clash with the Evil Scientist Society and their hordes of robots, while exploring the evil facility and helping as many people as you go.
Play in either 3rd or 1st person point of view.
And more stuff....

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