Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fallout: New Vegas Review

Fallout: New Vegas Review
Just like fallout 3, I fucking love this game! Fuck I've probably logged about 300 hrs on this fucker. It's fun! It has all the good from the previous game and then some and prettymuch none of the bad!

It is genuinly a good game, i'm not trying to be a fan boy aout it, but fuck iti will! It's story is meh and kinda cliche but i don't fucking care. it goes pretty deep and theres more possible outcomes for the wasteland in this game. they added some sweet faction dynamics and shit like that and they nerfed your character, in fallout three you can make a perfect godlike character.

I'm fucking tired of writing. You're probably tired of reading, it fucking sucks.

All you need to know about this game is that it's awesome!

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