Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Past Love

Past Love
It appeared, for the longest time, that I was over you.
Each day my mind would bury your memory,
Continualy obsturing your face and your touch.
I began to shift my gaze.
I started looking straight ahead.
The past was to my back.

But most recently, from the depths of my mind,
You sprang forth!
Now I am once again at a crossroad.
Which path should I take?
That is the only question that is on my mind.
It devours my whole being.

To my right;
It is a life of hardships,
But in the darkness you'll be there.
Embracing, pushing away our troubles.
And that is all we would need, each other.
Mediocrady, but love.

And to my left;
Life like the gentle flow of a river.
Lonely but easy going.
Walking in solidarity, being content.
And I will ever long for more.
Exceptional, but alone.

Thoughs are my options, but I am stuck
Looking at the diverging road.
[Blank Verse]


A type of poetry, distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme. In English, the meter most commonly used with blank verse has been iambic pentameter. The iambic pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of speech. Verse that does not employ a rhyme scheme. Blank verse, however, is not the same as free verse because it employs a meter e.g. Paradise Lost by John Milton which is written in iambic pentameters."

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