Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Picture Posts

Picture Posts
Pictures are great for a post and are almost needed, but are posts with only pictures good?

Having a post that the majority of the content is generally a bad idea. search engines focus primarily on text however people enjoy pictures, especially cool or sexy pictures. In cases where you feel like you want to just post pics be sure that they fall under cool or sexy... or whatever other major categories there are. Have an introduction paragraph and post the pictures. it is best to add links to the source and add some form of description. Any added text will help and i for one love it when there's a story accompanying an image.
If its a sexy pic, add something even your reasoning for picking it or just what you like about it. having to many posts like this is a bad idea unless you already have a reader pool or something and even then it's not wise. I know that Google Adsense doesn't like posts like this and will even deny an application if you have one or two posts like this.

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