Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 23

 Chapter 23
            The bell rang, signalling the end of the school day. “Okay class do your homework and I'll see you tomorrow.” Ms. Dover said as she wiped the white board clean. The students stood from their desks and started walking out of the room. Roy was the last out the door, but Dover stopped him. “Roy could you stay for a minute?” She asked.
            “Yeah sure, but why?” Roy walked back into the room.

            Ms. Dover sat in her chair and rested her feet on the desk. “So how do you like the school?” She asked, arching her back over the back of her chair. “Why are you always late?”
            Roy stood, confused, “I'm going to be honest, I don't like it here.” He looked her in the eyes.
            She took a deep breath and stretched her arms, “That's too bad, I enjoy having you in class. All the kids are too up tight, worrying too much about school, but your all laid back and stuff, it's relaxing.”
            “It's not like I hate the school, it's just I'd rather be somewhere else.”
            “Is that so?” She stopped for a moment, “So what's her name?” She smiled.
            She surprised Roy, speechless, all he could murmur, “What do you mean?”
            Ms. Dover giggled, “Come on, I can see it in your eyes. Don't get the wrong idea, but, look at you. Any girl in the school is prime pickings and you haven't asked anyone out, obviously your taken.”
            “How do you know I haven't asked anyone out?” Roy asked.
            “Teenage girls are like... like... they're like machines made to do nothing but talk and never shut the hell up. If you would have, it would be all over the school. So is who ever it is the reason you don't like this school?”
            “Yes.” He answered softly.
            “There's nothing wrong with that. Now that we have answered one of my question why don't you answer the other?”
            “Why I'm late?”
            “I don't like to be rushed, I like having the time to think. We used to mess around the school and have fun, and that would usually make us late.”
            “You and your girlfriend?”
            “Yeah, but now I just like taking my time it brings back memories.” He started to smile, “One time we were skipping first period and ran into the janitor. The rest of the day we helped him, it was really fun even though the next day our teachers chewed us out.”
            “That's sweet. Don't worry about me, though, I'll pass you whether your here or not, just eventually get in the classroom. That's all I needed.”
            “So I can go?” Roy asked.
            Ms. Dover gestured to the door, “Yeah sure, you can go. See you tomorrow, damn I can't believe it's just Monday, another four days.”
            Roy walked out the door, “Bye Miss Dover.”
            If only I were a few years younger, he's so cute. Roy heard Ms. Dover's thought as he walked away. Wow... umm... nothing, I'm not going to think about it. He thought, walking down the hall.

            Roy opened the front door, “Mom, you here?”
            No answer.
            Roy walked to his room, threw his things on the bed, and then pulled his phone from the pocket. He dialled Nina's number and held the phone to his ear.
            The phone rang.
            “Hello?” Nina answered, though knowing who it was.
            Roy heard her, “How was school?” He asked.
            “It was good, boring as always though. What about you?” She replied.
            “Same as yours, uneventful and ending with a long, lonely walk home.” He sighed.
            She cachinnated, “Come on, our lives can't be that bad, can they?”
            “Well no, but still.”
            “How's Maximilian?”
            “Well, you said that you haven't named your hamster, so I took the liberty of naming it. Maximilian is a good name don't you think?”
            “It is a great name, but...”
            “But what?”
            “Don't you think that's too much of a preppy, royalty name for a hamster?”
            “No, but oh well that's his name.”
            “It's a lovely name.”

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