Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 26

Chapter 26
            "Are you sure you’ll be alright at school? You still look a little sick.” Roy’s mother asked as she watched him eat a bowl of cereal.
            It was the first Monday from the time Roy had came home and he planned on going to school. It was still difficult for him to walk far distances, and he had yet to stay awake through a whole day, but he wanted to go.

            “I’ll be fine as long as you drive me.”
            “I’ll drive you, but if anything happens call me.”
            “I will.” Roy took one last bite of cereal and walked the bowl to the sink.
            “Are you ready?” His mother asked.
            “Yeah, I’m ready.”
            They started to walk out the door.
            “Aren’t you forgetting something?” His mother looked at him.
            “No, what?” He asked.
            “Your backpack and all your other stuff.” She answered.
            “No, I wouldn’t be able to carry them, so I'll figure it out when I need it.”
            “Okay then.” She sounded bemused.

            She drove Roy to school, parking in front of the main building, she helped Roy out of the car.
            “Call me when school is out, okay.”
            “I will.”
            As she drove off she waved to Roy, and he waved back.
            It was thirty minutes before the first bell was to ring. Roy decided to go to the area where his friends hung out.
            The hangout was an alley, formed by the main building and the gym, only a few hundred feet from where he was dropped off. It took him tens of times longer than it usually would have taken, but eventually he found them.
            Roy walked up to them.
            “Roy, where have you been?” Oats asked.
            Gill then added, “What happened to you? You look sick.”
            “Yeah I’ve been in the hospital.” He answered.
            “Are you okay?”
            “Why were you at the hospital?” Oats asked.
            “It’s a long...” Roy stopped.
            Though his back was to the courtyard, he knew someone important had just passed him.
            “Nina?” he asked himself, turning to see Nina walk pass the corner of the building.
            “Nina? You mean the new girl? Wait, how do you know her? She just moved here.” Gill asked in confusion.
            But Roy ignored his question and with all the strength he could muster, ran after her. He ran from the alley and around the corner.
            He could see her, “Nina!” He yelled, “Nina, wait up!”
            Nina stopped and turned around.
            Nina was within arms length.
            “Nina, I’ve missed you.” Tears started to flow from his eyes and down his cheeks.
            “Oh hey Roy, I’ve missed you too, but I have to go.”
            “Wait, why are you here?”
            “Mom and me moved down here.”
            “A few weeks ago, I’m sorry but I really have to go.”
            “Oh, okay come here?” Roy opened his arms gesturing for a hug.
            “Is there a problem here?” A boy’s voice came from behind Roy.
            “There’s no problem.” Roy answered.
            The boy walked in front of Roy and stood next to Nina.
            Nina looked up to the boy, he then kissed her.
            “Wait! Wait!” Roy yelled, “Wait.” Not as loud. “What is this?” Roy’s heart pounded, his breathing quickened.
            “This is Kevin.” Nina started, “He’s my boyfriend.”
            Boyfriend? What does she mean? I thought we were…
            “I met him my first day here, I’m sorry Roy I hope we can still remain friends.” Nina looked at Roy, “See you in class.” She said walking away.
            Roy did not blink, his heart started to slow, his breathing all but stopped, his body became weak and limp. He fell to his knees, crying. This isn’t real. It can’t be. Please God, please.
            Oats and Gill came running to Roy.
            “What’s wrong?” Oats asked.
            “Are you okay?” Gill added.
            “Roy come on, answer.” Oats looked at Roy’s face, “Gill, he’s crying.”
            “Dude what happened?”
            This isn’t real. She doesn’t love me? Why? Why?
            Roy continued to cry.
            “Come on man.” Oats said.
            Oats and Gill helped Roy to his feet.
            The bell that signalled the start of school rang.
            “Here, lets get to class, how about it Roy?”
            Roy wiped the tears from his eyes. “Thanks guys, but stay away from me.”
            “Just stay away.”
            Roy ignored his debilitated and exhausted state, and walked to his first class.
            He walked into class, “Looks who’s late, even after such a long vacation.” The teacher greeted him.
            “Sorry I’m late.” He replied, looking throughout the class, everyone was looking at him.
            Roy walked to his seat and sat down.
            The teacher continued her lecture and wrote notes on the white board with a dry erase marker.
            Roy looked around; he saw a boy texting, trying to hide the phone, the text said, “Did you see Nina and Kevin yesterday?”
            Fucking Kevin!
            He then overheard the conversation of two girls.
            “Aren’t Kevin and Nina so cute?” One asked the other.
            “Yeah, their perfect.” The other answered.
            God damn fucking Kevin! He covered his eyes and shut them.
            But some people’s thoughts were so prominent that Roy could not help but hear them.
            I can’t believe Kevin and Nina got in trouble for making out in class. One boy thought.
            I should ask Kevin and Nina if they want to go on a double date with Rob and I. An another girl though.
            “Kevin this...”
            “Kevin that...”
            Everyone was thinking about Kevin, Roy had never heard of him prior to that day.
            The anger boiled in Roy, eating away at his insides.
            A girl raised her hand.
            “Yes Allie?” The teacher asked.
            “Do you have Kevin as a student...”
            Roy snapped, he stood up, grabbed his desk and threw it. From the back of the class room, and through the window, continuing several yards. The window and wall lay in shattered pieces. “God fucking damn it! Kevin! Kevin! Kevin! Do you fucking retards think of anything or fucking talk about any fucking thing other than that fucking Kevin?!”
            Everyone was turned around in their seats gawking at Roy.
            “Roy! Go to the office! I’m calling security!” The teacher yelled.
            Roy started walking out of the room. “Go fuck yourselves, all of you, I don’t care anymore.”
            Mom come get me! He commanded.
            The security guard came running down the hall.
            “You stop! Don’t move!” He yelled at Roy.
            “Get the fuck out of here!” Roy directed him.
            The security guard then walked away.
            Roy continued to walk to the door to the outside.
            Fuck! I’ll kill him.
            “Hey you!” A voice yelled from behind the main office door.
            “Yeah.” Roy glared at him.
            “You Roy?” he asked.
            “Yeah, why?”
            “Your expelled. Your not coming back.”
            “Glad your happy, now get the fuck out of here.”
            Roy walked outside, his mother was waiting for him.
            “What happened?” She asked. “I suddenly got a feeling that I had to come get you.”
“Yeah let's get home.”
            “I’m kicked out of the school.”
            “What? Why?” She asked.
            “I don’t want to talk about it.”
            “Okay, I understand. Lets get home.”

            When they arrived home Roy went directly to his room.
            God damn it! Roy slammed the door behind him. He started to walk to his bed, but his clothes began to fall apart, his shoes, shirt and pants fell apart at the seems. God damn it! Now I need new shoes!

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