Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 35

Chapter 35
Roy had only ran a block, maybe two, when he sensed something. It made his skin crawl, as if maggots were crawling under his flesh, every now and then taking a bite. A chill ran up his spine, he shivered. What he felt was the desire to kill, to commit unspeakable acts, this feeling radiated off the pavement and buildings. The whole area was like a manifestation of Hell, an evil surrounding everything.

But from the emptiness came a voice, “Wow! Did you see that Gabriel? He killed Michael!” The voice of Raphael echoed through the street. Roy looked around, but saw nothing.
“Yeah Rapha, that was something else.” Replied Gabriel.
“Who’s there?!” Roy yelled, not seeing the two.
Slowly from the ground, like two zombies, they emerged.
“It’s like a god damn video game, always another damn person to fight! When will it stop?!” Roy yelled in frustration.
“Don’t worry kid, unlike Michael we don’t screw around and talk a lot, we just kill.” Raphael smiled.
The two wore suits similar to Michael’s. They were roughly the same height and of the same build. Gabriel's blonde hair was in contrast to Raphael's black, both had brown eyes, but Raphael’s had dark circles under his.
“Good, because the other guy wouldn’t shut up.”
But as his words ended, Gabriel and Raphael attacked.
Raphael led in the attack, making a kick at Roy’s side, but was blocked. Roy grabbed his leg and held it. Gabriel punched Roy’s face, causing him to release Raphael, who then followed with a kick to Roy’s stomach. Roy stumbled backwards and fell.
The two jumped back. Raphael then placed his hand on the ground. The asphalt swirled around Roy and, like a blanket, covered him.
Roy’s hand tore through the asphalt and he slowly sat up. A large spike protruding from the pavement struck Roy’s chest. The tip only penetrating the outer most layer of skin, just enough to cause bleeding.
Roy stumbled to his feet.
Damn it! This is taking to much time, who knows how far away Kevin is now.
Raphael rushed at Roy as he was thinking. He had only an instant to react as Raphael closed in.
I can’t die yet! As he dodged Raphael’s attack, he placed his hand on Raphael’s chest, and pulled his hand away. Raphael’s heart was shredded, and he died instantly.
Gabriel watched as his partner fall to the ground. He smiled. “No one will be in my way now.”

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