Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 33

 Chapter 33
The people in the black hoods slowly circled Roy.
“I’ll tell you again if you value your lives just walk away.” They were quiet, Roy took a deep breath.
They started to rush at Roy, one at a time.
One-by-one they jumped on Roy, twelve in all just, a fraction of the total. Their bodies buried him. He faced the onslaught of knees and elbows.

Roy stood stern and slowly he started to struggle. “Get off me please.” His words penetrated through the envelope of bodies.
The hooded people, as if they were fish being pulled from the water, flew in every direction away from Roy’s body. They landed in various places, but they had little to no injuries. Some lay in the grass, others stuck in trees and a few landed on others.
“It would appear that I’m going to go through all of you.”
Roy made his move, running toward his next target. One ran at him, a taller one of the group, a man. He grabbed at Roy, but was evaded. Roy’s hand slammed on the man’s face, then, with almost lifting him, Roy slammed him against the ground. The grass did little for cushion but was enough to prevent it from being fatal.
Roy paused for a moment, his heart was racing and his body was shaking, but within that moment another hooded man was readying to attack.
He jumped at Roy, but did little good. Roy stopped him with a kick to the stomach. The strike caused the man to fall to the ground and vomit.
Determined to finish the fight, Roy, once again ran at them.
Roy was readying to strike, but stopped. He started to notice something, something that had been clear from the beginning.
A girl he was about to hit looked at him in confusion. She’s just a girl. These are just kids; they can’t be any older than me.
He looked into her eyes, they were a brilliant bright blue, and they conveyed her thoughts as clear as day. They showed confusion and fear. A fear of death and a fear of pain. He looked into them and his body went limp. Roy looked back at the two men he had just dropped. My God, what am I doing?
His arm rose and he placed his hand on the girl’s shoulder, no one made any sort of movement; they just looked at Roy, wondering what he was doing.
Roy raised his other arm, the girl started to quiver in fear, “Don’t worry,” she looked at him, “I’m not going to hurt you.” He snapped his fingers.
Everyone fell to their knees.
“I hope you guys stay down, I don’t want to hurt any of you.” Again he snapped his fingers.
An invisible force slammed down on their bodies, pushing them to the ground. They lay on the ground, all still alive. Roy’s hand was still on her shoulder, she looked around at her companions. She then looked at Roy, she was about to speak, but was stopped. “Don’t worry, you all will be alright.”
He removed his hand from her shoulder; she fell to the ground, the same as the others.
“Please don’t waste your lives.” Roy said as he started to walk away.
“Thank you.” Came a girl’s voice. He looked back, though everyone was on their stomach lying on the ground, he knew who it was.
“Just remember this day.” Roy said, once again walking away.
Roy walked in the direction that he believed Kevin to be. Within a few blocks he had started to run; but even though he did not know it, another obstacle stood in his way. Far more dangerous than the previous, Roy was oblivious to it.

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