Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 13

 Chapter 13
That morning when Roy awoke he decided exactly what he would spend the day doing, talking to Nina.
Roy walked into the living room, as his mother had said there was electricity, but was the phone on? Roy wondered, It’s Monday so her father should be at work. With the cordless phone in his hand, he pressed the start button. “Good, there’s a dial tone.”

He dialled the phone number to Nina’s house.
It rang once, it rang twice and on the third ring someone answered.
“Hello?” Shit, it’s him.
“Yes, may I talk to Nina?” Roy asked.
“Who is this?” Her father asked.
“It’s me, Roy.”
“Don’t fucking call here, got it? I don’t want you talking to my daughter, got it?! I’m trying to undo the damage you caused her, if you call again I’ll find and kill you!”
“Listen you fat piece of shit, if you ever, ever talk to me like that again I’ll fucking kill you! Your little threats were cute back in the day, but I will mess you up, unlike you I know where you live, where you sleep and I will not hesitate to beat your ass until you shit yourself and cry like a little bitch!” It came out how he felt, and it felt good. His heart was racing then...
“That motherfucker hung up!” He stood bewildered, “I’ll just go to a payphone.”
“Yo! Shut the hell up! Seriously, it’s too damn early for your spastic ass!” His mother yelled from her room.
Roy walked back to his room, grabbed his shoes and some money.

For hours he wandered around the city trying to find a payphone. “Do these things even exist?” As is fact, the pay phone became obsolete after cellular phone became main stream. So he searched for a gas station or some place that might have or know were to locate one.
At last he had found one, though it was in what could be considered the “bad part” of town. “Wait, if I call and he answers, this will be a waste. I’ll have to get someone to do it for me.” He looked for someone that might be willing to exchange their time for some money. At the corner of the gas station’s parking lot was a group of women. They all wore high kneels, mini skirts and tank tops. “I hope no cops are around.”
He walked to them.
“Would one of you nice ladies be willing to make some money? It would only take a few minutes of your time.”
“Kid, it doesn’t matter how long it takes, it’s called a flat rate.” One of the women said.
Another one then added, “Aren’t you a little young?”
This is the dumbest conversation ever!
“Before this goes any further, I should clarify something. I’m not asking for any sexual acts. I just need some one to make a phone call for me.”
“Damn kid, that’s all? Hell I’ll do it, and since your such a cutie, I’ll only charge you ten dollars.”
“Sure, Okay I don’t have much time.”
They walked to the payphone.
“Here, say this, and give me the it when she is on the phone, okay?” Roy handed her a piece of paper.
“Okay, I won’t ask what this is about.” She dialled the number on the paper and waited for an answer.
“Hello?” Nina’s father answered.
“Yes is this the Smith residence?” She waited for his response.
“Yes, why?”
“I’m one of Nina’s class mates,” She looked at the paper it said “insert name”, “Mercedes, and I’d like to talk to her.”
“Sure wait a minute.” He left the phone.
“Hello? This is Nina.” Nina answered the phone.
Mercedes handed the phone to Roy.
“Thank you.” He thanked her.
“Who is this?” Nina asked.
“Don’t say my name, this is Roy.”
“How are you? Why didn’t you call yesterday?”
“I got arrested, but I’m doing okay. How are you?” Roy asked.
“I’m good, I just miss you.” In the background Roy could hear her father talking.
“I tried to call this morning, but your dad wouldn’t give the phone to you.” He could hear her laughing. “What?”
“You pissed him off so bad, it’s just too funny.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well I’ll just say the house has one less phone and one more hole in the wall.” She again began to cachinnate, along with Roy.
“That is funny. But I have to tell you before your father makes you hang up, I won’t be able to call each day, but I’ll call as frequent as possible.”
“Okay I understand. But before I have to go, who is Mercedes?” Nina asked.
“Well it’s a long story, but she’s... um...a ah... *cough*prostitute*cough*” Roy felt ashamed of himself.
“Okay I’m sure I misheard that last part, but my dad’s coming, so bye. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Over the phone he could hear her dad talk.
“Hang up now! Don’t be talking to that little punk!”
The phone hung up.
“Thank you, Mercedes. As for your fee, I’ll give you fifteen.” He reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet and removed a five and a ten and then handed it to her.
“Thanks kid.” But as she placed the money in her purse a police car drove by. It made a U-turn, turned on its lights and sirens and parked in front of the phone.
Two officers got out.
“You two, hands against the wall.” The one that had been driving told Roy and Mercedes.
“We weren’t doing anything wrong.” Roy started.
“Shut your mouth.” The officer replied.
The officers searched the two. On Roy they found nothing, but on the prostitute they found a crack pipe and some marijuana. The way they saw it, they just prevented a drug deal.
“You guys are making a mistake, all I did was pay her to make a phone call, that it!” Roy tried desperately voice his innocence.
“Your one sick motherfucker, I don’t even know what a “Phone call” is, but it sounds disgusting.”

Roy and the prostitute sat by each other in the squad car.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had drugs, I wouldn’t have hired you then.”
“Hey! You didn’t ask.” The prostitute replied.
“Yeah you two continue talking, everything is being taped. You two will be going away for a long time.” The officer driving said as he tapped a camera on the dash.
These are the dumbest cops I’ve ever seen!
Upon their arrival at the police station the woman was sent in for processing, while Roy sat, hand cuffed to a chair waiting to be questioned.
But then he saw him, the officer from the previous night. “Hey officer! It’s me Roy!”
The officer heard Roy and walked over to him.
“Kid why are you here? Can’t you stay out of trouble?”
Roy told the officer about talking to Nina’s dad and having to find a pay phone, and about having to hire a prostitute to call Nina and everything else.
“Kid that is the funniest and dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Don’t you have neighbours?” Damn, why didn’t I think of that? “Don’t worry, this won’t go on your record, your not in trouble. Those two,” he pointed to the two officers that had arrested Roy, “are so dumb they could be the Three Stooges, I know, but there’s only two of them, well they have enough spare stupidity they can make a third. Come on I’ll drive you home, again.”

That time the drive home was awkward, they did not talk.
The officer dropped Roy off without saying a thing and drove off.
Roy walked into the house, he did not see his mother but he could hear something. It sounded like crying.
He listened carefully and followed it.
It came from his mother’s bedroom. He slowly pushed the door open. On the bed sat his mother in the fetal position crying.
The door squeaked.
She hastily slid something under her pillow and wiped her eyes.
What, she’s crying? “Are you okay?” He asked his mother.
“What do you mean?”
“You were just crying.”
“No I wasn’t.”
“Yes you were.”
“No I wasn’t” She insisted, then changed the subject. “Why are you home so late?”
“I was arrested on drug charges, but they decided I was innocent and let me go.”
“If you don’t want to tell me, then don’t. Just don’t make shit up.” She did not believe him.
“Okay, well then good night.”
“Yeah whatever.”
Why the hell is she mad at me?
Roy walked up to his room.
He locked the door behind him.
“Let’s see what else I can do.”
The room was still packed, the candle still lay in the middle of the room. From his pocket Roy threw a penny next to the candle.
Let’s see if I can still do it.
He reached out his hand and visualized the candle lighting. After concentrating for ten seconds the wick ignited. Good, now can I move a penny? As with the candle Roy held out his hand and visualized the penny moving closer to him. It moved about a foot to him. Hell yeah!

The coin flew through the air like a fighter jet, it did barrel rolls, flips and other high speed manoeuvres.
But it soon became clear that he could do much more than just move it.
It flew into his hand and he held it. He started to visualize it as a ball. It fell on itself and started to take the shape of a sphere. Then he imagined it as a simple plane, it turned to a plane, with each transformation he made the shapes more and more complex.
So there is no real limit as to what I can do, well, that is, with manipulating objects. This power must have different sides other than that. It’s not so much mental, it’s like the penny is apart of me. I can feel what it would feel. If this is like a psychic power or God like power, it has to have more dimensions to it than just moving things. I have no idea as to it’s full capabilities or even it’s possible extent. I’ll have to take it a step at a time, but soon who knows what I could do. I might be able to do all the sci-fi shit like in TV shows and comics.
From a box at the corner of the room a small wooden chest came out. It floated across the room to Roy. The small chest opened and a picture of Nina and Roy floated in front of his face. Please just wait, I’ll soon be with you Nina.
A fly buzzed around the room. It caught Roy’s attention. The penny turned into the shape of a fly. Roy made his artificial fly, fly around its real counterpart.
With this power I won’t harm an innocent soul, not even insignificant ones. I will not sacrifice my soul just to show the world I can. The penny fell to the ground, as a penny, the picture went back into the open wooden chest, and the wooden chest floated back to the open box. Roy walked over to the candle, took a deep breathe and blew it out.
Soon I’ll learn the true extent of this power.

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