Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 22

 Chapter 22
            The next day Roy skipped school and decided to stay home.
            Roy sat in his room, looking at the hamster.
            Where do I start? He concentrated on the hamsters thoughts, nothing. Eat some food. But it just sat staring dopy at Roy. What else can I do? It can’t understand me, maybe instead of trying to use words I should use images. “Eat!” Roy imagined the hamster’s feeding dish and the feeling of hunger. The hamster slowly walked to its dish and started to eat. Okay let’s see what else I can make it do. Maybe it will play dead. Roy went back into the hamsters mind, he imagined it playing dead, the hamster soon laid on its back and shut its eyes. Awesome! That’s enough for now, I should try it on someone.

            Roy looked in on the couple across the street. He saw the wife in the bedroom with a man. “That’s not her husband. I feel so sorry for him. Let’s make her a little more faithful.” Roy started listening to her thoughts, he began poking around. Do I have to think of the action or can I just tell her it? In her mind he thought, “Get off him.”
            She ceased.
            “Babe what’s wrong?” The man asked.
            “I don’t want to do this.”
            Roy then told her, “Because you love your husband and don’t want to hurt him.”
            “Because I love my husband, now please leave.”
            Roy read the man’s mind. Then I’ll just tell her husband.
            No you won’t. Roy thought.
            Scratch that I won’t.
            The man departed.

            Roy sat in his room, a cold sweat covered his body.
            “That’s... that’s not right.” He said out loud. “I shouldn’t do that, but I will have to.”
            Roy walked into the bathroom, the faucet of the bath tub turned on, and the lever to prevent water from draining turned over. He stripped down.
            “I have to do something about this.” He looked at the cut.
            He started to remove the stitches, it bled, but soon he stopped the bleeding. I should be able to heal this. He concentrated on the wound and how it should look and its basic anatomy. It began to heal, but hurt as it did it. Just a little more. Finally he was finished.
            Roy’s attention then turned to his hand. Making the cast split itself, it revealed an array of unhealed stitches. It was trial and error, at first, as he peered through his hand, he fused bone together and healed the cuts, which the surgeon had used to gain access to the inside of the hand. Then it was to the other hand, which he did the same, but to a lesser degree.
            Sitting in the bathtub, it was like heating butter, Roy melted in the tub, his body relaxed.
            The water was considerably warm. Steam filled the room, the mirrors fogged up.
            I can’t believe this. It’s like not only can I control the world around me but also the people. I can do whatever I want. Roy stuck his head into the water. I can do whatever I want, but what do I want? He thought of Nina.
            Roy sat in the bath for a few minutes before he started to think. I need to accomplish something productive. He started to concentrate, he was soon seeing a crowd of people in a plaza a few miles from his house, down town.
            Roy looked at a young man, he had just bought a cup of coffee from one of the venders. He walked away from the vender, but just a few yards away his shoulder hit the shoulder of another man, spilling the coffee on the others shirt.
            “What the fuck man?!”
            “I’m so sorry it was an accident.”
            The man, dripping with coffee, grabbed the other. He reared back his fist. Your not going to hit him. Roy thought to the man. Now you two make up and go on with your business.
            The man let go of the other. “I’m sorry for manhandling you like that.”
            “It’s okay, I did deserve it after all I did spill coffee on you.”
            “It’s okay man.” The two went on their separate ways.
            I can’t believe I just did that.
            Roy continued to patrol the area for ways to use his new found power.
            Soon Roy heard the sirens, police cars sped pass the plaza, he followed.

            The police stopped in front of a bank.
            “Let the hostages go!” A voice sounded from a megaphone.
            Yes! A bank robbery, with hostages! Well it’s not like it’s a good thing, but I can do some good here. Roy looked into the bank.
            “If you pigs don’t give into our demands we’ll start killing hostages!” One of the robbers yelled. He pointed his gun at the hostages. The police saw this through the buildings main window.
            “What do we do?” An officer asked himself.
            Roy looked the hostages over, they had something strapped to them. Explosives? Damn these guys are serious. That one guy must have a dead mans switch connected to his wrist, do the police know? The police had no idea about it.
            “Once you have a clear shot, take them out.” An officer said into a CB.
            “Okay.” A voice replied.
            Shit! Dude surrender!
            The robber slowly settled the gun on to the ground.
            It did not change the officers outside’s plans.
            “He seems to have placed the gun on the ground, first chance you get shot.” The officer once again said.
            No! Tell him not to shot! Roy commanded.
            “Shooter stand down. Scratch that shot.”
            “Sorry no can do.” The voice replied.
            What the fuck does he mean?! Shit where is he? Roy looked around. Damn it, if I can’t see him I can’t do any thing. Shit! Dude, get somewhere where you can’t be seen. He directed the robber to behind a counter that split the front of the bank from where the money was held. Think, where would he be at?
            The glass shattered and a hole formed in the counter. Shit is he dead? He looked, the bullet had missed him. Okay, they know where he’s at but where is that sniper?
            “The shot was a miss, I’ll try again.” The gunman said over the radio. “Ready to take a second shot.”
            Shit! Fuck! What to do?
            A count down started over the radio.
            No, don’t!
            Where is he?
            Roy panicked. Stop it! Everyone stop! He commanded.
            Everyone outside and in the buildings around, stopped what they were doing. Many looked at one another curious about what to do, they had all forgot what they were supposed to be doing.
            You guys, walk out and tell them about the explosives.
            The four robbers started to walk out of the bank.
            You call the bomb squad. Roy directed an officer.
            The robbers spoke to the officers, telling them about the explosives. The one wearing the trigger removed it from his wrist, after deactivating it.
            In just a matter of minutes the bomb squad was there. A man wearing a thick padded suit walked into the bank. One-by-one he removed a pound, or so, of C4 from each hostage.
            Thank God. Everyone can go back to what you where doing, just be nice don’t steal or kill.
            Everyone went back to what they were doing.
            But soon Roy felt his face submerged and breathing becoming difficult.
            Roy's eyes opened, his head had slipped under the water. Roy sat up, water flowed from his nose. Damn trying to save people and I almost drown.
            He sat looking at the water. It was cold from sitting for so long. Roy had been out for almost an hour. Roy placed his hands above the water. He started manipulating it in various ways. It rose in the shape of a cone, he made small waves and finally he made a small tornado above the water, quickly picking up the underlying water.
            It doesn’t matter how many times I do stuff like this it will always amaze me. I only wish I could share this with Nina. She would find this so cool. Or I wish I could just beat the crap out of that father of hers. The little pussy, making threats that’s just stupid. I shouldn’t think like that, I’m tired of fighting. Every damn day it seems there’s always a fight. He looked down at his hands, again he started to manipulate the water. I’m not going to fight again. I vow to never fight again. With my power I should never need to. If someone is in danger I’ll make the other person stop like I did today. Yeah that’s it, no more fighting, no more hurting people. He felt a peace fall over him and acceptance, but then he added. Screwing over that old bastard is not hurting or fighting. He smiled.
            From downstairs he could hear his mother walk into the house.
            “Hello?” She asked as she saw the lights on. “Roy, you here?”
            “Yeah it’s me!” He yelled so she could hear him.
            She walked up the stairs and stood in front of the bathroom door.
            She knocked on the door.
            “Why are you home so early?” She asked.
            “I didn’t feel like going to school.” He answered, “Why are you home so early?” He then asked.
            “Just taking the rest of the day off.”
            “See you when you get out.” She walked back downstairs.
            “Okay, see you.” He said, not knowing she had walked away.

            After getting out of the shower and getting dressed he walked downstairs and sat in the living room, on the couch.
            His mother sat adjacent from him, she saw that he no longer had a cast on. “Where’s your cast? You didn’t take it off did you?” She asked.
            “Yeah, but my hands all healed.”
            She looked at him, “Come here let me look at your hand.” He stood before of her, while she sat. He held his hand out. “Make a fist.” Roy made a fist, no complications. “Spread your fingers.” He did as she said. She started to probe his hand with her fingers, “Does this hurt?” she asked.
            “Let me see your other hand.” She bent his fingers and examined them. “This doesn’t hurt?”
            “How is this possible? It did happen a while ago, but still let me see you back.”
            Roy lifted up his shirt, only a faint scar remained.
            “Is something wrong?” He asked, just as a safe measure as to not look suspicious.
            “You shouldn’t have healed this fast. But seeing as everything is fine, we’ll just call it a miracle.” She smiled at him. Roy sat back down.
            “So how has work been?” He asked.
            They sat and talked, everything was perfect. It made Roy feel reminiscent of the times they had done the same thing, but with Nina apart of the conversation. It was peaceful, but even with this serene, harmonious moment Roy still wished to be with the one he loved. And in that time of relaxation, that bliss, a plan started to form in Roy’s mind. A plan that would make life perfect and allow him to stop thinking. To Roy the only thing to come from his powers were the events that took place that day, but he soon thought of another way that would be free from fault and soon this plan would give way to that happiness he so longed for.

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