Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 37

 Chapter 37
“I always thought that we would be together.” Roy said softly as he continued to walk away from Gabriel's and Raphael's bodies.

The cool mountain wind whipped through the town, falling more and more leaves. The leaves were changing colour, ranging from browns to pleasant colours like red and orange. They fell waiting to be raked into large piles, later to be composted.

It was the first day of Fall Break for Nina and Roy and they were enjoying the thought of no school for another seven days. They had been together for two months, went on many dates, and generally were in love, spending many hours together each day, having fun.
Roy and Nina sat across from one another in the town's only diner. It was lit by countless lights and music played in the background. They had shared an order of fries and had just received some deserts they orders, two small bowls of vanilla ice cream.
“So... why doesn't your dad not like me?” Roy asked, then ate a spoonful of ice cream.
“What are talking about, he likes you.” She answered.
Roy swallowed the mouthful, “No, he hates me.” He coughed, trying to clear his throat, “I hate you and first chance I get I'll beat the crap out of you.” He said, trying to impersonate Nina's father. “That's pretty much an exact quote.”
Nina laughed, “Well, he doesn't really like anyone. He'll warm up to you eventually... will at least I hope. Don't worry though he's just talk, he'd never hit you, come to think about it I've never seen him hit anyone.” She took a bite of ice cream, then said, “I just ignore what he says.”
“That's good to know, but like your moms the nicest person ever, hands down she's the nicest.” He took another bite.
“Yeah she's nice, but so is your mom.”
“Yeah right! She's pretty violent. I once saw her beat the crap out of a cable guy, or this other time the mail man dropped a package in a mud puddle and she broke his nose.” He stopped as Nina started to laugh, “Like it's funny now, but when it happened it was scary.”
“Come on, that's funny.” She continued to laugh.

The cold darkness of night crept in as they walked onto the steps of Nina's house.
“It was fun today, same thing tomorrow?” Nina asked.
“Sure, but let's order something other than fries and ice cream.”
“Yeah, let's do that.”
They faced each other, holding hands. Nina stood on her tiptoes and kissed Roy. “I love you.”
Roy's heart started to beat faster, “I love you too.”
“I guess I'll see you tomorrow.”
“I'll see you tomorrow.” He stepped from the steps and started to walk away. Nina started opening the door, she looked back seeing Roy walking into the darkness.
She ran after him, “Roy wait up!”
He stopped and looked back, “What are you doing?” He asked.
She ran up to him and grabbed his hand, “I'll stay at your house to night.”
“Shouldn't you tell your parents?”
“Mom knows your number, she'll call eventually.”
They walked to Roy's house, there they spent the night on his living room couch, and watching movies. Late that night Nina fell asleep in Roy's arms, he quickly followed but before he fell asleep he thought; this is perfect, I want this moment to never end.

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