Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 19

 Chapter 19
            Gad damn it! What to do? I am technically still with Nina, but its not cheating. However, it would be against the law, but it’s not. I’m not hurting anyone, but it is disrespectful and it is pretty shameful. Roy stood in the midst of a moral dilemma. It will increase my stamina, so I’ll be stronger, yeah that’s it. He had come to a conclusion. I’ll do it, I’ll peep on women.
                        Once again Roy sat in the centre of his room, that time there were no candles or incense, just him, in the dark room. What if no one is taking a shower or bath?... I’m so stupid, I could just see through their clothes.

                        Roy lived in a safe neighbourhood, having little to no crime. Though he did not see them as it, there were many attractive women on his block. There was a single college student next door, a newly wedded couple across the road and a dozen or so teenagers his age.
                        Roy concentrated and soon his vision expanded. Who to choose from? I know, let’s try that cute blonde at the end of the road. The blonde was one of the teenagers Roy’s age.
                        His vision drifted out the window and down the street. At the end of the road, on the same side as Roy, sat a small house. In that house lived a husband and wife with their seventeen year old daughter.
                        He crept through the front door as if someone might see him. The first room, empty, as was the second. On the third and final he found someone. She must be gone. Look at this, the mom is not that bad, I guess. In the bed lay the girl’s mother and father. Slowly he started peering through the top covers, then through her night gown. That is truly disgusting. Roy thought, as he saw her pendulous breast and acarpous gentiles. Let’s move on.
                        The next target was the couple across the street. Only one light was on, evidently that was the target. He floated in and there on the bed the two were partaking in coitus. Fuck yeah. He viewed from various angles. Damn it! I can’t do anything, I’m so horny. I bet my dicks hard enough to cut glass. They stopped anon, the man quickly fell asleep and his wife went into the shower. Roy followed her.
                        This will be it for tonight. And he started to the college girl’s house.
                        But what he saw was something that soon made him regret what he had just done, and shame filled him.
                        She sat at a desk, writing in a note book. Home work? The words she wrote were that of the actions she had done that day. They delineated the day, her day at school, and so on. But as she finished a sentence on the last line of the page, she started to cry. Roy looked around the room and throughout the house. No pictures, nothing, this house is just plain, empty even.
                        He turned his attention back to her. She must be lonely. It’s sad. Living here by herself. I’m sorry for this. Roy was back in his room, but he heard something, again his vision reached passed his confines.
                        In her room, his mother sat in bed and cried, or more so sobbed. People are weak, and no one can go through this life alone. Mom, I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting. Whatever the reason is for moving here, you know best. You’ve been alone for so long, I’ll help you.
            Roy walked to his mother’s room’s door and spoke to her with the it still closed.
            “Mom, you okay?” He asked.
            “I’m fine.” She answered.
            “No, why are you crying?”
            She opened the door.
            “It’s nothing.”
            “Well I’m here for you if you need me.”
            “What’s with you? Why the sudden change of heart?”
            “It’s hard to explain.”
            “Well if that’s all, then good night.”
            “Good night.”
            They went to bed.
                        The next morning they sat around the table, for the first time in quite some time. Roy ate cereal while his mother drank black coffee.
            “This job isn’t any better than the last.”
            “What?” He was puzzled by the randomness of her words.
            “This job pays the same as the last.”
            “Aren’t you going to ask why we moved then?”
            “No, it’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
            Roy’s mother started to read the paper, he watched her.
                        “A car accident killed two, that’s a shame.” He heard his mother speak, but her mouth did not move.
            “What was that?” he asked.
                        “What was what?” She replied, “Did I just say something?” Again he heard her voice but her mouth did not move.
            “I thought I heard something.”
            “Oh, okay.”
                        But as she continued to read the paper, to Roy it was as if she was reading it to him. Mind reading seriously! Am I just pulling this shit from my ass now! Well it’s not like it’s that far fetched I did just awhile ago astral project, so it’s not that improbable. But why the randomness of it? Well what am I asking why is something that defies all common logic random, but still this is probably the most useful thing I can do now.
            “Well I’ll be leaving now, see you when I get home Roy.”
            “Bye mom, see you.”
                        She left and Roy for the first time, sat in the living room. Just like with seeing I should be able to expand reading minds. Setting on the couch, he was concentrating, trying to focus on the people around him.
                        But soon he focused on to the mind of the girl next door.
                        I’m so lonely, just one, one person would be enough. I just can’t handle this maybe I should... no don’t think that way. Why can’t I find someone? Aren’t I attractive, am I really that bad to be around, am I really that ugly... He stopped.
I can’t be doing this. It’s wrong. But she needs help. What can I do? I know.
                        Roy started to peer into her house. She was readying to leave. Her hair in a bun and having a messenger bag in her hand.
            I’ll have to time this just right.
                        It was a plan of shear perplexities. Using tactics, schemes, plotting and everything that should not be considered in the happiness of another human.
                        Roy ran to his room, he changed his clothes from pajama pants and a baggy shirt to a pair of shorts and a jersey top. He grabbed his bag, a backpack, walking from his room he went into the bathroom. He splashed his face with water and wetted his hair to give himself that “just out of the shower”, look.
                        He stood in front of the door, inside the house, and continued to watch as she continued to gather her things.
                        Timing it just right, she reached the sidewalk as he was in front of her house. They met. He dove deep into her mind, and asked, “Could you give me some directions?”
“Sure where is it that you need help with?”
            Roy thought for a few seconds to figure the proper destination. “Do you know where Waterfront Municipal College is?”
            “Wow, that’s so weird.”
            “Why?” He asked in a coy idiosyncrasy.
                        “I’m heading there right now, I could walk you there if you would like.”
                        “Sure, I’d love that, thank you so much.” He held out his hand, “I’m Roy.”
                        The girl grabbed it and said, “Nice to meet you Roy, I’m Raven.”
                        Sorry Nina, what I’m about to say means nothing, I hope you can understand. “That’s such a pretty name. It matches you.”
                        Raven began to blush, “Are you asking for directions or are you asking for a date?”
                        Shit! What do I say? I’m so stupid! This was a bad idea. But look at her face, she needs someone. I’m sorry Nina this will only go as far as words. “Well I needed directions, I wanted the other. What are you doing tonight?” Roy looked at her in what he thought was a charming manner.
            “So you are asking me out?”
            “Sure, how about six?”
            “That would be perfect.”
“Well see you tonight.” Raven started to walk away.
            “Wait,” she stopped, “I still need directions.”
            “Just follow me or, even better, walk with me.”
                        Roy walked with her down the street. This is the most awkward moment of my life. What am I going to do at the college? Wait! What am I going to do tonight? Shit I have to think this over.
                        On their walk to the college they were silent, Roy thought out his next move.

            They arrived at the college.
                        “I guess I’ll see you tonight.” Raven said as she started walking to the main building.
                        “See you Raven.” Roy stood in front of the building. Let’s find the library. He started to look.
                        Roy walked into the library. He was greeted by the librarian and then greeted her back.
                        They must not be asking me if I’m a student because I look like one.
            Roy found a setting area and grabbed one of the many magazines on a table.
            Three hours passed and Roy started to think. Why am I here? All I had to do was walk her here. Well I guess I’ll be leaving.

            That night Roy walked over to Raven’s house, he knocked and waited for her to answer.
            The door opened, Raven invited him in, “Come in.” They walked into an empty living room, all that furnished it were a rocking chair and a couch. Roy sat in the rocking chair and Raven sat in the couch, opposite to him.
            “Because of the short notice I didn’t have anything planned but we can go out somewhere for dinner. What would you like?” Roy asked.
            “Anywhere is fine, but we don’t have to go anywhere.” She replied.
            Anywhere that’s pretty vague, lets see. Roy began to fixate on her mind.
            Anywhere really.
            She’s pretty open.
            “I know of a little restaurant, I haven’t been there but it looks nice.” Roy elucidated.
            “That sounds great.”
            “We’ll have to walk though.”
            “That’s okay, a nice romantic walk.”

            On their course to the restaurant they talked and achieved a better understanding as to who the other was.
            “So what are you going for in college?” Roy asked.
            “I’m in as a nurse.”
            “Why not a doctor?”
            “I think a doctor has to much responsibility and they spend to much time away from home.”
            “I know what your saying, my mom’s a doctor. She’s barely home and gets stressed really easy but those things push her to rethink the way she prioritizes things.”
            “Your mom’s really a doctor? That’s so cool. So what are you doing?”
            Shit! Got to think of something, but I don’t want to lie.
            “Well I won’t be starting until the start of the next semester, but I think I’ll do a little of this and that. You know explore my options.” You are a genius.
            “That’s good,” She said, but changed the subject. “So I’ve been seeing a lot of police cars in front of you house lately, what’s up with that?”
            It caught Roy off guard, Damn it! This is a tricky one. On one hand if I tell the truth I’ll look like a hero first and an idiot second. But if I tell her I paid a prostitute to call my girlfriend, this whole thing will be a waste of time and it’ll end up hurting her more. Here goes nothing. “The first time was when I beat the crap out of some muggers and the other time was when I asked a hooker for change for a twenty and the police thought I was buying drugs. On both occasions I wasn’t truly arrested, so I have a perfect record still.” That was the dumbest thing I’ve ever said, ever.
            “Seriously?” Raven asked.
            “Yeah, stupid isn’t it?”
            “I think it’s quiet funny. Getting change from a hooker. But what do you mean, you beat up some muggers?”
            “There were these three guys mugging this old woman, so I was like “Hey stop!” and they came at me and the next thing I know is that they are on the ground, and a police officer has a gun pointed at me. But in the end I was let go and called a hero.”
            “Wow, that’s so cool did you get a medal?”
            “Nope, but I did get a police escort to my house.”

            They arrived at the restaurant.
            A tall skinny man greeted them from behind a small podium.           “Welcome sir and madam.”
            “Hello.” Raven said timidly.
            “How many will be being seated?” The man asked.
            “Two.” Roy answered.
            “Very well then, please follow me.” The man guided them to a small booth in the back of the restaurant. “A waiter will be with you shortly.”
            “Thank you.” Roy said as he sat down.
            The two sat opposite one another, facing one another.
            Before they could start talking a young waitress came and handed them two menus. “What would you two like to drink?”
            “I’ll have just a glass of water.” Roy looked at Raven.
            “I guess I’ll have a cup of tea.”
            “A glass of water and a cup of tea. When your ready I’ll take you orders.”
            “Thank you.”
            “Your welcome.” She walked away to the kitchen.
            Raven and Roy opened their menus.
            What to get? I’m hungry, but if he wants to pay I don’t want to spend much. Raven thought as she looked at her menu.
            “Feel free to order anything you want, money is not a problem.” Roy replied to her thought, as to reassure her.
            “What do you mean?”
            Shit! “Well you looked at me when I ordered water like maybe you should order light. Don’t worry.”
            “Oh, okay. I see. I thought maybe because you’re a student like me, that maybe you didn’t have much money.”
            That was pretty straight forward. “Don’t worry. The way I see it is we only live once so we might as well enjoy it. To think about such a minor thing as pieces of paper, it’s just silly.”
            Raven reached her hand out and placed it on Roy’s. “I’m really glad you didn’t just want directions.”
            Her words reminded him of Nina. Is this how Nina might have been. A strong soul trying to live with the weight of the world on her shoulders, alone with no one for support? I may have over thought about having to protect Nina. It won’t be an external force that’s after her, it’s her, herself. I saved her from her own darkness, what if she reverts back? Will her hope in me help or hurt her? Damn it! Still, now I have Raven I have to help. I love Nina, but for now she is safe, but Raven on the other hand needs somebody. Fuck what can I do? Stop thinking! I have to stop plotting, stop planning, just plain out stop thinking. I have to stop intruding on the thoughts of others. To Raven Roy appeared to be asleep or in deep contemplation.
            “Roy? Are you okay?” Raven asked.
            It threw Roy back into reality. “I was thinking about what I should think about.”
            “That’s quite confusing.”
            “I guess an easier way to put it is, I was trying to organize my priorities.”
            “But I decided to stop thinking as much.”
            Raven laughed, “That’s funny. So you just want to stop thinking? Why?”
            “I learned that the more you spend in your head the less you spend in real life and the more you plan for the future the less you live in the present.”
            Roy's words hit Raven hard, he had not planned on it, but it hit her for the better. “You know, I’ll do that too. I often think to much into things and all that is left when I’m done is nothing.”
            Raven and Roy proceeded to order their meals. They stayed there until it closed and walked back.

            Roy walked Raven to her door.
            “I had a really nice time.” She said.
            “I did too. Your really nice and I hope to spend more time with you.” He kissed her cheek, she started to blush. Roy then added, “Good night.”
            “Good night.” Raven opened the door and walked into the house.

            At Roy’s house his mother waited for him.
            “So, where were you?” She asked.
            “I was having dinner with a friend.”
            “A girl?”
            “You sure did get over Nina fast.”
            “It wasn’t like that.”
            “Oh really? Then what was it?”
            “It’s just that she seemed lonely and she really doesn’t have any friends or family. So I figured I’d hangout with her.”
            “I see, does she see it that way?”
            “Sadly, no. She thinks it was a date.”
            “Why didn’t you tell her then.”
            “She really needed it. I’ll play an actor for now but I really don’t know what I’ll do.”
            “Just don’t break her heart. Who is the lucky girl?”
            “You know her, that girl, Raven, that lives next door.”
            Roy’s mother was astonished, “She’s older than you! She’s in college!” She was more surprised than anything.
            “I know. Just if she ask so am I and don’t mention Nina.”
            “But...” She started only to be interrupted.
            “It’s not going to go any further than words.”
            “Just don’t hurt her.”
            “Don’t worry.”
            Roy walked to his room, he pulled the picture of Nina out of his wallet. I’m so sorry. He placed it back and then took his list out. A little late on this. Then removed the word, “Read people’s minds.”

            Weeks passed and school would be starting in a month.
            One day Roy sat in the college cafeteria, he had decided to eat lunch with Raven. They continued their mock-up relationship, Raven was happy and Roy figured he would deal with the problems and its consequences when they arose.
            Roy picked at his salad as he waited for Raven to arrive. Finally she did, but she was accompanied by someone, a man.
            “Roy this is Lane, we went to high school together.”
            “Hello Lane.” Roy offered him his hand.
            “Hey.” Lane shook Roy’s hand. His hand was anaemic and languid.
            This guy looks like a freak and weak, really weak.
            “So is he like your boyfriend?” Lane asked Raven.
            “Yeah, we’ve been going out for a few weeks, almost a month.”
            “Oh.” He said lamely.
            Damn I wish I could read his mind, well I can but I won’t. I don’t want to be a liar. But still this guy is a freak. Maybe I should fuck with him.
            “Raven come here please.” Roy said. She walked over, confused. Roy grabbed Raven and gave her a big drawn out kiss, no tongue of course. Roy gazed up, Lanes face was contorted. I’m an ass.
            “Hey, why don’t we get something to eat.” Lane said, trying to spark a conversation, in hopes of stopping them.
            “Yeah, why don’t you two get something.” Roy handed Raven a fifty.
            “Sure, do you want anything?” She asked Roy.
            “No, I’ve already ate.”
            Lane and Raven walked over to the line of various concession stands.
            Why do I have so much money? It’s not like I have a job, does mom give it to me? Damn I’m so pathetic, I can read minds for God’s sake, hell I can even fly, and I’m so oblivious.
            Raven sat beside Roy and Lane sat opposite to them.
            “So Lane, what is it that you do?” Roy asked.
            “Right now I’m unemployed.”
            “Did you just move here?” Roy had a feeling of where it was going.
            “Yeah Raven said I could stay with her until I get on my feet.”
            “Is that so?” Roy looked at Raven.
            “Yep, we were pretty close in high school, so its not like he’s a stranger, so it’s all cool.” Raven answered as she started to stab into a piece of lettuce with her fork.
            “So Roy,” Lane said in a condescending manner, “what do you do?”
            Roy shrugged off the way he was just spoken to. “I’m a student, just like Raven. Lane,”
            “Have you ever been arrested?”
            “No. Have you?”
            “Well, its not like this is a competition.”
            Raven jabbed him in the side with her elbow.
            “I have been, technically, arrested, but I was innocent.”
            The conversation went on, but the one thing that repeated in Roy’s mind was, She’s letting him stay with her?

            They walked home together, Roy walked Raven to her door, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
            “See you later.” He said afterward.
            “Good night, I love you.” Her words pierced his heart.
            Shit what do I say? “I love you too.”
            Roy went home and sat on the couch and watched television.
            His mother walked through the door shortly after.
            “So, how was your day?” She asked.
            “The same as usual, what about you?”
            “Not really interesting.” She walked into the kitchen, “So what are you doing tonight?”
            “I don’t know. I’m really tired, I might just go to sleep.” Roy said as he kicked off his shoes.
            “That’s too bad. I wanted to watch TV with you.”
            “I’m sorry, I’m just really tired. Tomorrow we can.”
            Roy walked into his room and fell on his bed. So sleepy. He soon fell asleep.
            An hour, or two, passed and he woke up. I wonder what she’s doing. Roy started to concentrate, but he heard something.
            “Please help! Please, someone!”
            Roy could see what Raven saw. He saw Lane over him, knife in hand, the blade coming down on him.
            Roy felt a sharp pain in his side.
            “Shit!” He yelled. He jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. Roy ran down the stairs into the living room, where his mother was sitting.
            “What...” But Roy interrupted her.
            “Call the police! Now! Do it!” He continued to run out the door, outside.
            His mother ran to the phone and dialled 911.
            “911 what's your emergency?”
            “Please I need some officers and an ambulance at my house.” She told them her address.

            Roy ran into the house and up to Raven’s room. He rushed through the door and saw her lying in a pool of her own blood. Roy knelt beside her and tried to check her vitals. “Please,” no pulse. He peered through her chest, her heart had stopped beating. “Damn it” he started doing chest compressions. Then he focused on her mind, absent of activity. “No! No! Fuck! Fucking God damn it!” He yelled.
            The door shut behind him. Lane stood in front of the door, knife still in hand. He swung the knife, the blade cut across Roy’s back. I’ll kill him! Roy stood, facing Lane.
            “Why! Why would you do this!” Roy yelled.
            “Four years, I knew her and in that time we went out, her legs never came uncrossed. She's such a cock teaser.”
Roy’s eyes widened, “Sex?! You did this for sex?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
            “The way she talked about you, she made it sound like you were some kind of fucking god, but your just some fucking bitch.”
            “I’m going to kill you.” Roy looked him in the eyes.
Lane made a lunge at Roy, the knife cut his arm. The pain did not bother him, he parried with a punch to the face, Lane dropped the knife.
            “I didn’t trust you the moment I saw you. I’ll tell you one thing, the pain you feel will follow you to Hell. I am going to beat you to death.” Roy said.
            Lane punched Roy in the face, but it was not enough to faze him. He grabbed Lane by the throat and threw him through the door. Lane’s body broke through the door’s thin plywood. Lane tried to stumble to his feet, but Roy kicked him, throwing him down a flight of stairs. Roy walked down the stairs slowly. He sat on top Lane, with his knee pressed against Lane’s sternum. Roy started to punch, he punched Lane as hard as he could. With each connection he could feel his knuckles break, but more importantly he could feel Lane's bones breaking as well. His jaw broke from place and shatter, his facial bones broke, the nasal cavity collapsed. Lane's face was featureless, just a bloody swollen mass of flesh.
            A cop rushed through the door and saw Roy on top on Lane. With his gun drawn, “Stop! Put your hands up!” The officer pushed Roy down and hand cuffed him. A paramedic followed and placed Lane's broken body on a stretcher.
            “He’s alive but in critical condition.”
            As they rolled him out, Roy ran after him, still hand cuffed.
            “I’ll fucking kill him!” Two officers grabbed him, but they did little good. Roy continued to walk with them on his back and around his legs. One of the officers maced him, but still he walked. Finally the one with his arms around Roy’s legs used his taser. Roy fell to the ground, the officers drew their guns on him.
            They drove him to the police station in full shackles.

            Roy sat in a chair, bolted to the ground, in a small room, with a large one-way glass window in it.
            A officer walked in, he carried a clipboard. “Why were you there?”
            “I was there because that was my girlfriend’s house.”
            “Who was that other guy?”
            “I don’t fucking know, some old friend of hers, today was the first time I met him.”
            “Did you kill her?”
            “Why the fuck would I kill her!?”
            “Well you did want to kill that other man, why? Just wanted to get rid of the only witness?”
            “Are you fucking stupid! Where the fuck do you get that?”
            “Not even two officers could bring you down, what you take some LSD? Just wanted...”
            Another officer walked in, the same officer from before, the one that had driven Roy home those two times. “Donalds that’s enough! Get the hell out of here!” Donalds ran out, handing him the clip board which was then thrown back at his head.
            Roy could see an identification card clipped to the officer's shirt, it said “John Johnson” Roy’s mother followed, she was crying.
            Johnson walked over to Roy and removed the shackles. “Tell me what happened, then we can get you taken care of.” He said, setting next to Roy, his eyes transfixed on Roy’s hands. “Maybe you should get checked out first.”
            “I’m fine.”
            “Roy maybe you...” His mother started.
            “I’m fine!”
            “Miss Black why don’t you come sit by me.” Johnson pulled a seat from the table. “Roy?”
            Roy looked at him, “What?”
            “Your mother told me everything.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “She told me what you were doing for Raven. She told me about you moving here, about Nina. I’m so sorry for everything that happened tonight.” Roy started to cry, he rested his head on the metal table. “It’s okay kid, let it out. You did the best you could.”
            Bang! Roy slammed his fist against the table.
            “I want him dead! I’ll kill that bastard!”
            “Roy don’t talk like...” But Johnson stopped her.
            “I shouldn’t tell you this but Roy,” Johnson placed his hand on Roy’s head, “It’s not a good thing, but you did.”
            “What? How?”
            “Before I walked in, he was pronounced dead. Severe brain trauma.”
            Roy’s mother gasped.
            “Good! I’d do it again. I only wish I could.”
            “Now that that is settled, can you tell me what happened?”
            Roy told Johnson everything that had transpired, only leaving out the parts about him using his powers to see what was happening.
            When Roy finished Johnson said, “Once you get out of the hospital, I’ll have you right a statement, sign some paper, but I’ll make sure nothing happens. It was purely self defence, and since you’re a minor, I’ll try to get it so you won’t have to go in front of a judge or anything.”
            “Thank you.” Roy’s mother said.
            “Roy if you need anything, anything at all just call me.” He handed Roy a small card, “The same goes for you, Miss Black.”
            “Again, thank you.”

            Johnson drove them to the hospital where Roy would be treated. Roy was correct about his fingers being broken, but he did not know the severity of the cut on his back. By some miracle, the doctors said, the deep cut did not bleed as much as it should have. It was deep and stretched across the length of his back, requiring over a hundred stitches.

            Roy stayed in his bed for the remainder of the Summer, up until school was just a week away. The wounds were not the reason, but it was his mind being at war with its self. If I would have just read his thoughts it would have said something. But I just can’t invade on other peoples privacy, but if I don’t who knows what they might do? I couldn’t save her. I just wish I was with Nina. I miss you so much. School starts soon and I miss you so much. I just want to hold you. But then his mind shifted. I killed someone and I’m not sorry, I’m glad I did it. Nina what would you say if I told you that, what would you think, would you still love me? I promise you, I’ll never peer into your thoughts or anything like that.

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