Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 17

 Chapter 17
My mind's eye? What the hell is that supposed to be? In his hand Roy held a “new age” self help book. He pulled out the list. Aura? Wait they mentioned something about that. Roy flipped back a few pages. Aura is the spiritual force that surrounds all matter. Everything has its own unique aura and through mastery of your minds eye you are able to see this aura. But what the hell is it? How would I master it? Again he flipped through the pages and started to read. Mastering the minds eye is achieved through meditation and spiritual enlightenment. I must have a deep connection with the world around me to be enlightened. So this book is a bunch of crap, unclear shit, to get people to buy their incense, with no intent to actually help them! Roy looked around the room. Spiritual enlightenment? At the corner of the room was a multicoloured marble, he reached out and made it roll to him. That’s enlightened enough. In meditation your supposed to clear your mind, the opposite of what I’ve been doing. Maybe this power is separated into different categories, different states of mind, and as of now I’ve been at the end of the spectrum. This shitty book had given way to something useful, so it wasn’t all that bad. He stood up, Time to go buy some incense.

A few days earlier Roy had walked pass a small shop called “Improve Your Soul, Man.” That was the store that he had bought the self help book.

When Roy arrived at the shop again, he was welcomed the same way as the first time.
“What’s up, man?” A man with ratty long hair said as he sat in a bean bag chair. “Wait man your that dude from Monday, man did you like your book, man?”
“Yeah, it was helpful.” Roy answered.
“That’s good.”
“Can you help me find something?” Roy asked the hippie..
“Sure what do you need, man?”
“I need to find stuff for meditation.”
“Oh, like some incense and candles?”
“Yeah that’s what I was thinking.”
“Well, that’s right, but don’t forget the most important thing, man.”
“And that would be?”
“A pillow for your butt.”
The hirsute old hippie escorted Roy around the store, grabbing the sundry items they had disguised.
As Roy paid for his items the man asked him, “You seem, I don’t know, you seem a little down.”
“What are you talking about?” Roy asked in a bitter manner.
“You just seem sad.”
“So what happened?”
“I had to leave some one I loved, someone that was perfect in every way.” What the hell did I just say!
“If your love is strong enough, mountains will crumble just to make your path to her easier. Not even the gods can stop love. Good luck to you man.”
“Thank you.” Roy put his hand out, gesturing for a hand shake. The man grabbed it, but he pulled Roy in and hugged him, over the counter.
“Man if you ever want to come back and just talk, I’ll be here. You seem like a pretty cool guy. So if you ever want to hangout, feel free to come here.”
“Thanks man.”
The words he spoke were not vacuous, though the man looked like an cretin, the words he said were deep and profound. His utterances gave Roy hope and he then knew that he would see Nina again.
With his walk home he was in a peaceful bliss, no longer plotting, thinking of his next move, it was like he was with Nina again.

The candles were lit, the incense burned, curtains closed and Roy sat with his legs crossed on his “butt pillow”. Okay, clear your mind. Roy closed his eyes and stopped thinking, he breathing slowed.
What the, he thought as the wall outside his room came into vision, hell is going on? Roy looked back and saw the door to his room. How am I out side the room. Oh my god! I just teleported! He looked down, Shit, where’s my body?! His vision shifted to the door and then further, going through the door. Wait! Is that my body? What he saw was himself sitting in the middle of his room. Okay, I see I’m just seeing this, my vision has been like extended. Roy continued to stare at himself, Look at that sexy son of a bitch. He went from his room to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. In the reflection was nothing. Sweet. So it is just my vision, no one can see me... He started to think, I’m naughty, he smiled. Soon he heard his mother enter the house. How do I get out of this? Do I just open my eyes? What the hell! Then with an all commanding thought, I will me to wake up! His eyes opened and again he saw the door of his room. Thank God. I must have something going.
Knock! Knock!
His mother knocked on the door.
“Roy, you there?”
“What are you burning?”
“Oh, okay.”
Roy walked to the door and opened it.
“I got home early, do what to order something? I figure we could hangout, we haven’t done anything together in quite sometime.” She had a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes.
Roy looked down. I should give her a chance. Yeah why not. But the words he spoke were apathetic and unforgiving. “Yeah well there’s a reason why we haven’t spend much time together, I’ll stay in here tonight.”
All the happiness and hope that filled his mothers face faded. Emotionless, mouth hung open, a heaviness befell her heart and in a choked voice, “Okay, I see.” She walked away.
What the hell did I say?! Damn it! He shut the door and sat on his bed.

That night he tossed and turned in his bed. Sleep did not fall him. He settled his body and tried to relax and clear his mind. Soon he fell a sleep but... Damn it, I’m doing it again. Roy saw himself laying in the bed. But something was different. Wait, what is this? I have a body. Aside from his body in the bed, his current vision had with it a body. He reached out to touch his face, but his hand went through it. I’m a ghost? Wait this was on my list, astral projecting. Can I still use my powers like this? From his pants, at the corner of his room, the list floated from the pocket to where he floated. The words, “That ghost thingy” faded from the paper. He hovered at the edge of his bed, appearing to sit. What to do? He wondered, but then it hit him. I’ll see Nina.
Roy flew through the roof and headed in the direction of his previous residence.

It took him a few hours, even with his fast paced flight. Is this stalking? I think it would be best to not tell her about this.
Roy arrived at Nina’s house at about four o’clock, the sun would be rising in a few hours. She won’t be awake. But as he floated into her room, he saw her in bed, arms around his picture, her face still wet with tears. Roy went over to her, covered her up, and removed the tears from her face. I love you, I’m sorry I put you through this. As Roy left he saw an open book, Nina’s diary. I shouldn’t. But he started looking through it.
Diary Entry, X/XX/XX
Still sad about Roy moving, don’t really know what to do. I need a way to distract myself... Dad’s been trying to talk to me lately; he’s always talking crap about Roy. I can’t see why he doesn’t like Roy, I just ignore him. Mom’s been really nice and supportive; she also misses him, and is sad about him moving... It always good to vent.
I have to... But he could not finish his thought, darkness surrounded him.

Roy awoke to the sound of the alarm clock. “What happened...” He turned over and vomited. “Shit.” He wiped off his mouth with his sleeve, on it blood. With his finger he touched his nose, “Blood.” He thought for some time. “This must be from a type of exhaustion from over exertion. It was like I used my powers for over six hours that just means I shouldn’t astral project, it’s just too dangerous.”
Roy spent the rest of the day in his bed, sleeping off and on, vomiting as he would woke.

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