Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 41

 Chapter 41
Nine days after his death, Michael’s falling body hit the ground.
Michael lay in the dark, with only enough light to discern the outlines of the surroundings. They were simple, large boulders, rocks, and a mountain in the distances, but absent of greens.
Michael looked around as he started to stand.

“Hello.” Came a high pitched, squeaky voice. Michael looked to his sides and behind him but there was no one. Finally Michael notices the sound of flapping wings, and looked up. Illuminated by a faint red glow, a small creature, the shape on a man but the size of an infant, flapped its wings, and hovered several feet above the ground. Its eyes were black, nose pig like, and a mouth full of jagged teeth. The creature was a demon. “Welcome to the Under Underworld.” The small demon said as it continued to flap its wings.
“You mean Underworld.” Michael tried to correct him.
“No, you’ll soon wish this was just the Underworld.” The demon chuckled then flew away, leaving Michael standing in the dark.
For hours Michael walked continually toward a light that never seemed to come closer. He stumbled through the darkness, stubbing his bare feet on rocks.
“This isn't Hell, I've seen Hell this is no Hell. But where is this place?” He asked.
The distant light started to grow larger and the glow brighter. Rock faces on either side of him slowly formed a tunnel.
Finally he arrived at the source of the light. The light came from a large burning alter, with its light being supplemented by a thousand burning torches.
“Well look who finally got here.” Came a familiar voice, the source of which could not be seen.
“Who is that?” Michael asked as he walked deeper into the light.
“I thank who ever sent you here.”
The jingling of chains and metal scratching against the ground followed the voice.
“It has been along time, I don't expect you to remember me, don't worry I remember you.” Felix walked from behind the flames, in his hand a long chain.
Michael looked at Felix with curiosity and confusion, “Why...” He started but Felix stopped him.
“Save the questions for later, we have all the time in the world.” Felix laughed, but his smile turned to a frown. “Guess what’s the coolest?!” Felix raised his hand, brandishing the chain. “The Big Man gave me your chain.”
“What?” Michael asked.
“I'll keep this simple. That just means that it is my job to torture you. Don't worry it'll be fun.” Felix pulled the chain, it wrapped around Michael, who then started to struggle. “You should be happy, I'm doing this, some of those demons are just evil.” Felix said sarcastically and then started to laugh.

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