Thursday, December 25, 2014

May Sickness: 34

Chapter 34
There standing in the middle of the road; arms crossed and as tall as a giant, wearing a clean black suit; and with his face covered in dozens of scars, was Michael. His eyes were fixed on Roy, following him as he ran.
Roy continued to run even after noticing Michael watching him.
“Running away are you?” Michael asked.

Roy stopped as he heard Michael and looked at him. “Why would I be running away? I just have to be somewhere else.” Roy said, trying to be nonchalant.
“Where might that be?” Michael asked as he started to walk toward Roy.
“Not here.” Roy replied, “I’ll be leaving now.”
“Why? What possible reason could you have? You’re just a kid.” Michael continued to walk, he smiled as he spoke. He laughed, “Kids today, always in a hurry.”
“See, I don’t want to go into it, I’ll just say this, there is someone I have to kill.” Roy answered coldly.
“What a coincidence…” but Roy cut him off.
“Yes, yes, yes, you’re here to kill me, insert stupid ass conversation. Seriously dude let me go do my business then do what ever you want.” He turned his back on Michael.
“You little bastard! How dare you turn your back on me!” Michael yelled. He fiercely swung his right arm in a backhand smacking motion. From his arm a shock wave followed. Crescent shaped, it blasted through the street, tearing up the asphalt road and slicing through the bases of telephone poles and street lamps.
Roy turned to see the blast coming at him.
As it quickly approached him, Roy raised his arm, his palm facing the on coming blast.
The arc of the blast slammed against Roy’s open hand, separating into two, and hitting two buildings on either side of the road, just behind Roy.
“I spared your little friends back there because they did not deserve it, but if you continue you won’t be as lucky.” Roy spoke slowly with his eyes staring into Michael’s. His eyes where full of hatred, his brow crossed.
“You’re pretty cocky. I’ve killed many punks just like you.” Michael glared at Roy.
“Is that so? That’s too bad, but I have no intention of dying at this moment. Wait! I have an idea, but would you be willing to go with it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m just suggesting this, and I will say that it is pretty far out there, but hear me out.” He stopped and looked at Michael, who appeared confused. “How about instead of talking like a bunch of teenage school girls, we skip to the part where we kill each other.” Roy smiled.
“Good idea but first...” Michael stood for a moment, “In the name of the Holy family, the Great Church and continuing of peace for the world of man, I Michael the Hopeful, here by condemn for to death for heresy by form of use of the arts of darkness.”
“But before we start I want to tell you this,” Roy said as he bent over grabbing, a rock, “I seriously have better shit to do, so this is going to get quite dirty!” he threw the rock.
The rock flew at Michael, at an inch from his face it vaporized. A cloud of dust, formed by the vaporized rock, floated in front of Michael’s face. Seeing that Michael’s vision was clouded Roy launched his attack.
Roy punched toward Michael’s face, but before the strike connected, Michael disappeared. Reappearing behind Roy, he kicked at Roy’s mid section, but before it landed Roy disappeared.
Michael felt a sharp pain in his back. Roy’s right knee dug into the centre of Michael's back. Roy could hear the popping of Michael’s vertebra and he could feel them protruding into his knee.
He felt a greater pain in his leg than Michael did in his back.
Michael swung his arm in hopes of striking Roy with his elbow, but Roy was gone. The only thing Michael’s arm hit was air, completely nothing.
Roy stood in front of Michael, “Damn hitting you is like hitting a brick wall.” He said as he rubbed his knee, the one he hit Michael with. “I almost broke something.”
“You’re quite fast…” His words faded, his body vanished. “But I am faster.” He spoke simultaneously as his fist slammed against Roy’s mouth.
Roy’s teeth shattered like grass, his jaw broke, with bone tearing through skin. His body flew backwards hitting the road; the asphalt tore through his clothes, along with the flesh on the back of his legs and his back. His muscles lacerated, tearing to pieces and revealing underlying bone.
Roy slowly got to his feet. It was hard for him to do so, with the pain and lack of remaining muscle.
Pieces of dangling flesh fluttered as wind blew across it. Blood oozed out of the exposed muscle, tendons and severed veins and arteries.
Clap, clap, clap! Roy slowly and deliberately clapped.
The wounds on his back and on his legs healed. Muscle repaired itself, rapidly, and grew back, veins and arteries reconnected, respectively, and skin grew back. His broken jaw snapped back into place, the wound from his jaw tearing through the skin healed and his teeth rapidly grew back. And finally his clothes returned to their original state. “That was amazing. You were so fast, I didn’t know what happened until I was lying on the ground.” Roy smiled.
“How did you just do that?” Michael asked as he saw the wounds healing.
“What?” Roy replied.
“Heal yourself.”
“I don’t know, it just does it.” Roy tried to answer.
“Well then I might enjoy this fight.” Michael said as he positioned himself in a fighting stance; legs shoulder width apart, left arm hovering in front of his face and his right a farther distance from his body.
“Enjoy fighting? Fighting should not be enjoyed. It should be the last choice, if everything fails and then it should still be despised. It is people like you, those who enjoy violence, depravity, filth, that ruin lives and the world.”
“Didn’t you say we should stop talking and fight?”
“Yes I would really like to finish this.”
They shot at each other like bullets, they broke the sound barrier, and the sonic boom followed them through space. The windows of shops, houses and cars shattered, and the ground shook.
The blows they exchanged were accompanied by loud “Booms!” and “Bangs!”, each connection sounding like the rumble of thunder. Punches and kick each shaking the ground.
Roy’s strikes did little to Michael, a punch to the face met with a giggle, a knee to the groin, noting but a smile. He put his whole being, his soul and heart, behind each blow, but they were worthless. But with each strike Michael landed on Roy, immense damage was dealt, bones broke, flesh tore along with cloth, all soon to be repaired.
They stopped and put some distance between each other.
“I see why you’re so strong for just a kid.” Michael started.
“Yeah why is that?”
“You’re sacrificing your life force and you’re converting it to raw power.” He explained.
“Really? I didn’t even know you could do that. But to be honest I don’t think I’m doing that.”
Michael’s faced showed confusion. “Well then, you are truly strong. Usually people beg to know my name, but for you I do not require any begging. I am Michael of Hope.”
“Well I’m Roy.” Roy smiled again. “Can you do something for me?” He did not give Michael anytime to answer. “In Hell tell them who sent you. I want to have a fan club by the time I get there.” Roy laughed, but he then stopped. “Wait, scratch that, the other bastard didn’t know my name, crap! Guess what, you have to start it. You’ll be the president!”
Roy shot at Michael, landing a punch square on his jaw.
Michael’s head did not do as much as move a millimetre.
Every bone in Roy’s hand shattered, the pain reverberated through Roy’s entire body. “Shit!” He yelled.
He then thought, what the hell, his body was never this hard.
“You were right I am as hard as a rock, but I think it’s more comparable to diamond.” He chuckled.
“Diamond you say,” Roy looked at his hand as it healed. “Diamonds may be hard but they can shatter.” But he noticed something about Michael, he was glowing, even in the light if the day, a slight glow was visible. Roy took a deep breath, a knot formed in his chest. He became depressed. “You won’t let me go, will you?”
“No.” Michael answered.
“I don’t want to kill you.”
“Then give up, and I’ll make it painless.”
“I can’t do that.”
The glow became more intense, the air around Michael swirled around him violently. He charged at Roy, with each step the ground shuck and the asphalt beneath his feet would compress and break.
No, I will not die!
Roy quickly went on the offensive; he hoped to prevent Michael from doing whatever it was that he was planning.
He blindly attacked. A raging fury of blows drove Michael into the ground.  The bones in Roy’s hands broke as he struck, only to quickly heal.
Roy stopped; Michael stood there, unscathed, only one thing was different, one thing which Roy was not responsible for doing. Michael’s once dark hair was almost completely gray.
“To think that I would do such a cowardice thing as this. I’ll make you pay.” Michael cocked back his arm and made a punching motion. A blast of energy shot from his fist and through the street. Tens of times larger than the first, it covered the street side-to-side and continued its path of destruction for several blocks. Unlike the first, which was for the most part transparent, the blast was blue in colour. Roy was in the middle of the blast, its speed to fast to dodge, and too great in power to redirect.
The full face of the blast hit Roy’s body. It incinerated his clothes and burned to the muscle, through the entirety of his body. The force of when it slammed into his body, crushed most of his bones.
Roy lay on the scorched, almost molten, pavement looking up at the sky. The houses that once lined the street were completely destroyed, only rubble remaining, their inhabitants dead.
Michael walked to where Roy lay, “All that shit talk and look at you, your laying on the ground like a whore waiting to get fucked. No doubt this habit runs in the family, probably a bunch of trash.”
Roy was confused for a moment, not understanding what Michael had said, he sat up casually. “Did you just insult my mom?” He asked.
Michael was surprised by the fact that Roy was still alive, let alone being able to sit up and speak. “You’re something else.”
Roy got to his feet, but with great difficulty. “My mom’s a great woman, please apologize…”
A flash of light blinded Roy, followed by a stinging pain at his side and arm. When his vision returned he looked at his left arm, or more so where it used to be. From the centre of his bicep to the rest of his arm was gone. But that was only a portion, the extend of the damage. A large portion of his stomach was missing as well. Almost the whole entirety of the left side of his abdomen was ripped apart. His ribs visible, and mangled intestines falling out of the wound, large volumes of blood fell to the ground.
The sight of his own innards and blood sickened Roy and he threw up, the vomit being a mixture of water and blood.
“Heal that!” Michael yelled, he then started to laugh.
“Shit.” Roy squinted with pain.
But his wound did start to heal, though very slowly. Michael saw that, “No you don’t!” He yelled as he charged at Roy.
His large hand grasped around Roy’s head, and slammed him into the ground. He then grabbed Roy’s leg and whipped him around, smacking his body against the ground, then throwing him. His body lay mangled on the ground, unresponsive. Michael then clenched his fist, a large spike ripped through Roy’s stomach from the pavement beneath him. That had little effect on Roy’s state, as he had no reaction to being impaled.
“If that did not kill him then nothing will, God I hope he’s dead.” Michael started to walk away.
Roy only saw black; he was in a numb void. I can’t die… not until… not until… not until I kill Kevin! If you let me do that, God, I’ll happily spend eternity in Hell. It’s the only thing I want to do, I need to avenge her, I will avenge her! God! Whether you let me live or not, I don’t care! I won’t die! Death you won’t take me! Sorry Nina, but I won’t be seeing you for a little while. Michael continued to walk away from Roy’s body.
“I’m not going to die!” Roy yelled.
Michael turned around to see Roy standing, completely healed and with his right arm out stretched.
Various particles circulated in Roy’s palm, gradually forming a sphere. His eyes where fixed on Michael.
Michael watched as the sphere became larger and larger, “That’s the same as…” He stopped as he thought back to his fight with Felix. It was not that bad when Felix had done the same thing, but he had done it when he was moments away from death, however, Roy was at his prime and magnitudes stronger than Felix.
Matter continued to collect in his palm.
Roy struggles to be heard over the noise caused by what he was doing. “So you’ve seen this before?” Roy asked then thought to himself. When this compresses enough energy should be stored to kill him, this needs to end.
The sphere that was the size of a basket ball, compressed to the size of a golf ball. It glowed with a brilliant orange.
“This is different…” Michael said as Roy threw the sphere, it flew toward him at a great speed.
Michael tried to evade, but as he jumped out of the way he hit an invisible wall. A sphere, like a human size hamster ball, was around him.
The small projectile hit against a face of the sphere and slowly through it. It continued and hit Michael.
Roy focused on containing the explosion that followed. “This exploding would create a lot of destruction.” The hamster ball that trapped Michael also trapped the energy of the blast.
A bright light swept through the city; the glowing sphere, like a giant light bulb, lit up the whole city, almost blinding Roy.
When it settled all that remained was a semi-sphere in the pavement, with no trace of Michael.

Roy was tired but he had to find Kevin and kill him.

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