Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Complete Guide to Blogging

How to start a blog
A quick guide to starting a blog!
Starting a blog is easy, so easy in fact that damn near everyone has one and for the most part they don't last long. People get bored and forget about their blog or just get tired of it. Before you start a blog or think or ask about how to make one, are you going to stick to it? If not then you're wasting your time and further polluting the internet. Now there are a few options when starting your blog, you can use one of the various free services on the internet like Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogger (Which I use) and many others, or you can go the way of the person that has money to spend and go create your own from scratch and get it hosted... I guess there are some other options as well but that's for a later post.
Personally, I choose Blogger because it is free and is widely used and it has quite a few features. I would recommend it to a new comer to the blogging world. And seeing as I've mostly have used blogger I'll use my experience with it for this post.

Content for Your Blog

Content: A quick overview and helpful guide to content and the role it plays for your blog.

Content is literally everything. A blog without content is empty so this post is going to state some obvious stuff.

Some people write long post and spend hours on them, others write short posts. there are examples of both kinds being successful and of them failing. I usually write posts that are some what short... But i usually come back to them and make them much longer. its how i do it. I like to get the main idea in there and come back and expand it and write more precisely. I don't like having half finished articles laying around my PC so I write them up in a way that they seem complete but I can go back to them, thus i post them.

For some people this strategy might not be the best and even I get lazy and never go back to them.
Lengthy articles can make your blog have better results on search engines and they create a form of legitimacy, though its just the essence. With long posts more visual stimulation is required, which more pictures can be helpful and it all adds up to more outgoing links. But its hard to stay entertaining the longer you drag a post out. With shorter posts you have to make sure the article is to the point and says what it needs to say. And on top of all that it needs to be entertaining, which is easy.

Pictures are always a good thing, they make the article entertaining and better looking. People usually skim an article to get the main idea and a picture will redirect their eyes... usually to whats underneath it.

Here's a somewhat useful article about how long a blog post should be,
How Long Should My Blog Post Be?

Guest Blogging

Is guest blogging a good idea?
I have never had them and I have never been one. I dont see the appeal in it. however I do see the use in having friends or associate write for your blog. but that is a blog with multiple authors. in which case i find that to be a wise desicion. it adds a variety of voices that is really nice. But guest blogging is a bad decision... unless...

lets say you start a blog and it does really well, someone from aother blog that is doing really well asks you to write an article for them for some money... then its okay. or, you have money or some one whose name is well know wants to write an original post for your blog and just having there name attached to that post will bring in a diffinite amount of viewers, in that chase it is okay... there are actually many instances in which guest blogging is okay. the one thing you want to avoid is posting something that has been on a dozen other sites.

Running a Nicheless Blog

It really is an uphill battle.

Having a blog that doesn't  have a niche is a bad idea if you are looking to make money off of it or have many visitors. I am only talking from experience. For me I never have a niche, i have a main point or something but i usually write about what ever I want. It has always been an up hill battle and i never really win. But here are some tips to help you.

Link posts that are similar to one another so that when people do read them thy can easily navigate to the next. it also helps to use proper labels.
when you have a post that you believe is really good post it on reddit or as a comment on someone else's blog. Follow some SEO practices and make sure that there are plenty of keywords.
Try to post similar things. one of each little genre isnt enough, have quite a few of each.

How to Open PMD File in Blender (Not Efficient)

How to Open PMD File in Blender (Not Efficient)

So yesterday's CTG I posted a Franken Fran video and said I would download the file, and I did. Except I'm not a MMD user and I didn't feel like learning a new program, so I figured I'd use a program I know very well, Blender. Blender can not open MMD files (PMD and PMM(?)) thus you have to convert the files. To do this you have to download 2 programs, PMXEditor and fragMotion.

How to?

Open the file in PMXEditor then export it as a "dot-X" -> (.X) file.

Then open the .X file in fragMotion and export it as OBJ.

Then Open it in Blender.


....! However! This is not efficient and it does not produce a good model. The mesh is crappy (it still looks the same but isn't good for animation). I'll continue to look into it and keep this updated.

How to Get a Million Views

How to Get a Million Views
Hahahaha Okay this is apart of my how to blog series as well as my traffic drive campaign. There are a lot of how to's for getting a million views on your blog, website, youtube video, and a whole lot of other internet thingies. I'll only talk about blogging in this post. To be honest I have no idea on how to do it. Write better articles, dont use my blog as an example because it sucks but google top blogs and use them. Another thing you can do is the SEO stuff, i have no idea what that is but you can google it as well.
This is another post I'll be updating a lot and eventually i want it to be helpfull.
How to get some views?

Pander to your audience, i sold my soul really quick on my blog. I was supposed to be about anime reviews and because i wasnt getting any views I had to start posting about "sexy anime characters"... and guess what, almost all of my views are from them! I hate being a sale out but it's got me views. Hell try doing a post about how to get a million views... it's probably get me some views XD.
More will be added tomorrow :)

How to Blog...

Another version of a previous post I wrote...

Blogging is the simplest thing on the internet, right after Facebook and checking your email. All you do is write about something, anything, and hope that someone reads it and likes it.
This post will be updated regularly to add more information to help wondering bloggers. This is also the start of a series of post that are about blogging and various milestones.

What to write about?
Write about either something you like or something you know can make you money. I chose anime because I like it and its easy to write about. I've seen people who have blogs that dont have a particular niche succeed but I've seen a lot more fail. Make sure that if you dont have a topic that your posts are well written. Whatever you write about enjoy doing it unless youre actually trying to make blogging into a job, which isnt really a good idea. But don't listen to me, i suck at this and I only do it when im bored.

More to be added later

Sticking to a Schedule


Its hard, believe me, but sticking to a schedule is important. I don't but i try. i try to post a few things everyday or get about 100 posts a month. thus far my blogs content is pretty terrible and I'm not really following my own lessons... however in due time i will. here's my blogging schedule, 4 to 10 posts a day (usually 4) and after about 20 to 50 posts i go back and edit and update all my previous posts. so by the middle of the month I will be going through and conducting maintenance on the whole blog.

Updating and posting regularly will give you more views by the fact that you're adding content but updating will breath life into old posts and you'll reawaken traffic to those posts. seeing as the method that i usually write my blogs is unavailable my posts aren't as high of quality that i'd like i have to make a specific schedule just for adding content to posts and fixing mistakes.


How to get ready and launch your blog.
This is a pretty simple one and not many people have a problem with it and that's launching your blog. i don't mean making it and then putting it on the internet, i mean the prerequisite you should complete. It is a good rule to have at least 5 posts ready to post before launching the blog and then posting daily after that for a while. It helps with the indexing process and helps secure readers being as if they visit a blog with just 1 post they may not come back.
But the thing is that most new bloggers post a lot in the first few days and then taper off and burn themselves out. It is important to stay motivated and follow a schedule.

Game of Thrones Review

A quick and dirty review... mainly me being a fag about Game of Thrones!

... Game of Thrones, I so fucking amazing. Like so the fuck what if I started watching at the end of season 3?! I watched most of the damn series in a day and I fucking loved it. I'm not going to read the books. I swore after I graduated that I'd never read a book again and thus far it's worked out pretty damn great.
But any way, I'm not going to even touch on the plot and anything like that, theres alot of plotting and backstabbing and everyone is rying to kill each other and stuff like that. Theres a bunch of violence, gore and a lot of fucking. I've never seen so much sex in a series. They actually hired  porn stars for the sex scenes...
The fucking quality is top fucking notch yo, like its better than most of the fucking movie that come out in this day and age. I like it a hell of a lot more than Lord of the Rings and I fucking love that series. Game of Thrones is fucking amazing!

There is only one problem with this series made by the gods them selves... there's fucking spoilers all over the internet and it really fucking pisses me off. There is no reason for it. and if you have ever spoiled an episode or anything for someone else, fuck off you piece of shit. No one likes you and theres a reason youve never been laid. Fuck off.

And that is my attempt at a review, it can't get any worse so fuck yeah.

Fallout 3 Review

This was my first fucking game for Xbox 360 and I'm fucking glad! It's amazing!
When I first played it I had no idea that there were 2 previous games, im fucking retarded, but I thought it was a play on the whole ww3 title. That's the setting btw, it takes place after WW3 and you're some poor bastard that's been kicked out of a bomb shelter to go find your dad and you end up saving  the world, or something like that.

It is a good game, on a scale from one to ten the graphics are a 6 and the story is a 7. the game play is fucking up there, ya know? it's fun and it's addicting. Its a first person RPG with guns and other post apocalyptic shit like that.

the outcome of the game does draw from your choices during the story, but there's only like 3 outcomes. It's a pretty easy game, it doesn't take a seasoned gamer to beat it,but it would take a lot longer.

... The game is also pretty fucking buggy and it freezes for me a lot. But who really fucking cares. I love this game and I'll flip shit when the next one comes out.

Fallout: New Vegas Review

Fallout: New Vegas Review
Just like fallout 3, I fucking love this game! Fuck I've probably logged about 300 hrs on this fucker. It's fun! It has all the good from the previous game and then some and prettymuch none of the bad!

It is genuinly a good game, i'm not trying to be a fan boy aout it, but fuck iti will! It's story is meh and kinda cliche but i don't fucking care. it goes pretty deep and theres more possible outcomes for the wasteland in this game. they added some sweet faction dynamics and shit like that and they nerfed your character, in fallout three you can make a perfect godlike character.

I'm fucking tired of writing. You're probably tired of reading, it fucking sucks.

All you need to know about this game is that it's awesome!

Blog Traffic Secrets

The Secret of Getting Traffic to Your Blog
Add caption


This Blog?
The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my becoming a professional blogger, or to put it more bluntly... me making enough money to support myself with only blogging. So... about 100 dollars a day would be enough to survive. It's a blog without a niche. But for the most part there will be a "How to blog" stuff and other entertaining and informative stuff.

The Importance of Links

The Importance of Links
Links are important... but how important?

The Power of Porn

The Power of Porn
The internet is for porn, and having some on your blog and really help get views.

Picture Posts

Picture Posts
Pictures are great for a post and are almost needed, but are posts with only pictures good?

How to Get Blog Traffic

How to get traffic
Getting traffic and people to read your blog is the hardest part about running a blog... hopefully this post will help you.

How to Blog

There is a huge difference between blogging and starting a blog, in this post I talk about actually blogging.

Now that you have your blog made its time to start blogging. The first step is to figure out what to blog about... which is easier said than done. Blog about something you enjoy and something you won't get tired of. You'll be writing about this subject everyday or so until you quit or make it big. It also helps to be well versed in the subject. What I usually do is have a main focal point and then writing a little about other stuff in between so I don't get bored.

The most successful bloggers write about their niche and write about it well. Blogs like mine without a niche usually don't do well because search engines don't really know what the hell to do with us. Writing a niche-less site pretty much entails you writing about various things you enjoy and hoping its done well enough that you'll get traffic.
Try to set aside a few hours a day to just write, a new blog needs content and needs to be updated regularly. you can write gigantic posts or small ones, people have sort attention spans and a long post better be amazing and entertaining so that readers don't loose interest. Short posts follow the same rule, they have to be entertaining but they also have to be informative otherwise they seem like they lack credibility.
Another good thing to keep in mind is that it's all up to you and there is no single grand rule and that what works for others may not work for you. You should always be thinking of ways to get your blog to stand out from others and how to make it better. This includes coming back to posts and making them better or fixing mistakes or generally just updating them.

How to Start a Blog

How to start a blog
A quick guide to starting a blog!
This is what blogger used to look like... SOURCE!
Starting a blog is easy, so easy in fact that damn near everyone has one and for the most part they don't last long. People get bored and forget about their blog or just get tired of it. Before you start a blog or think or ask about how to make one, are you going to stick to it? If not then you're wasting your time and further polluting the internet. Now there are a few options when starting your blog, you can use one of the various free services on the internet like Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogger (Which I use) and many others, or you can go the way of the person that has money to spend and go create your own from scratch and get it hosted... I guess there are some other options as well but that's for a later post.

Franken Fran Manga Review

Woot! Second review, and it's of a really good manga too! It is one of the few manga that I've consistently read that is Pure-ish Gore. I mean that it is sickenly grotesque, you'll see ^o^. I'm not quite sure how long this review will be, so I'll just write and see where this goes. 

My Balls Manga Review

My Balls Manga Review

My Balls, exactly what you think it's about... a guys nut sack (If my life had a summary that's how it would begin.). That's not what I expected when I started reading; I thought it would be like xxxHolic, a misleading name (No tits at all! Just shit!). Now given that this manga is about a guys balls it's not hard to believe that this is on the edge of echhi and damn near Hentai (How do you like those incoming links Wikipedia! Take it like a bitch.). A cool thing about My Balls is that it is actually on many manga websites, and is moderately work safe (Beside all the blowjobs and titty fucking!).

Yureka Manga Review

1/2 Prince Manhua Review


To think that such a thing is possible,
A confine that creates the ultimate obstacle.
"What has happened?" You may ask.
I am unable to complete a single task.

It happened only days ago
Forcing my time to slow.
But still was is it?
It is quite a funny story, I admit.

Do you confirm the download?
Every episode of my favorite show right her in my abode.
"Sure why not? What is there to lose?
And there aren't any other link to choose."

So the index finger made the perilous journey
Fighting that tiny spring as is if a tourney.
A few millimeters passed so quick.
... "Click!".

And now to wait for it to finish,
Hoping the speed doesn't diminish.
Alas! What do to think happened?
Only something that can not be amended.

I fricken used up all my houses Bandwidth. 

That is the most interesting thing I can come up with.

First Alliteration

First Alliteration
Anything Apathetic
Is Informal If
You Yell Yonder
The Things Thoughtlessly


Alliterations are sentences or phrases that contain words that repeat the same beginning consonant sounds. The initial sounds of a word, beginning either with a consonant or a vowel, are repeated in close succession.

A poem that repeats the same letter at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other, or at short intervals; as in the following lines: - Behemoth, biggest born of earth, upheaved His vastness. Milton. Fly o'er waste fens and windy fields. Tennyson."

Tetractys Poems

to manifest
into a cruel conundrum of rittles.

I See
see the
world ever
so clearly now,
that it forces me to question myself.


Tetractys, a poetic form consisting of at least 5 lines of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 syllables (total of 20). Tetractys can be written with more than one verse, but must follow suit with an inverted syllable count. Tetractys can also be reversed and written 10, 4, 3, 2, 1. Double Tetractys maybe written as: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1, and a Triple Tetractys as: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10."

Past Love

Past Love
It appeared, for the longest time, that I was over you.
Each day my mind would bury your memory,
Continualy obsturing your face and your touch.
I began to shift my gaze.
I started looking straight ahead.
The past was to my back.

But most recently, from the depths of my mind,
You sprang forth!
Now I am once again at a crossroad.
Which path should I take?
That is the only question that is on my mind.
It devours my whole being.

To my right;
It is a life of hardships,
But in the darkness you'll be there.
Embracing, pushing away our troubles.
And that is all we would need, each other.
Mediocrady, but love.

And to my left;
Life like the gentle flow of a river.
Lonely but easy going.
Walking in solidarity, being content.
And I will ever long for more.
Exceptional, but alone.

Thoughs are my options, but I am stuck
Looking at the diverging road.
[Blank Verse]


A type of poetry, distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme. In English, the meter most commonly used with blank verse has been iambic pentameter. The iambic pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of speech. Verse that does not employ a rhyme scheme. Blank verse, however, is not the same as free verse because it employs a meter e.g. Paradise Lost by John Milton which is written in iambic pentameters."


such a
gift that so
many decide
to throw away, like
a common peice of trash.
I wish to never litter.
As your life, to me, is precious.
Please stay by me as the world turns to
a  large landfill of lost lives and lost love.


Created about twenty years ago by an Arkansas poet named Etheree Taylor Armstrong, this titled form, the Etheree, consists of ten lines of unmetered and unrhymed verse, the first line having one syllable, each succeeding line adding a syllable, with the total syllable count being fifty-five."

Broken Body

Broken Body
Within this broken body you will find:

1 broken heart,

a million goals never accomplished,

numerous ideas, never to be brought into the world,

2 past crushes, that remainded ignorant of my feelings,

101 forgotten names

and so much more.


A poem that is made up of a list of items or events, usually without transitional phrases. It can be any length and rhymed or unrhymed."

A Forest

A Forest
Forest can be woody and shady,
But the ground is leafy and smelly.


A tyburn is a six line poem consisting of 2,2,2,2,9,9 syllables. The first four lines rhyme and are all descriptive words. The last two lines rhyme and incorporate the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lines as the 5th to 8th syllables."


I am plain, being given very little.
The world sees me as inferior to 
my diaganal halves. But I continue
to be used in that which makes a 
larger. My four sides may buckle,
but it is the same for everyone. 360
degrees, the sum of my angles. You
may called my what you will, but I 
am happy to to called a Square...



A concrete poem is one that takes the shape of the object it describes. This is different from a Shape poem, in that a Shape poem does NOT have to take the shape of the object it describes."

Where I Belong

Where I Belong
Setting and watching as the world goes by,
I wonder where I fit in,
Then I see it is here.


A post-Haiku poetic form , consisting of three lines of 10, 7, and 6 syllables. This form of poetry was invented in Israel."

William Howard Taft

William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft
To big to fit on the raft.
So the sent for the barge
Seriously, he was extremely large!


A Clerihew (or clerihew) is a very specific kind of short humorous verse, typically with the following properties: It is biographical and usually whimsical, showing the subject from an unusual point of view; but it is hardly ever satirical, abusive or obscene; It has four lines of irregular length (for comic effect); The first line consists solely (or almost solely) of a well-known person's name."

Toonami I Miss You So

Toonami I Miss You So
Once, something we took for granted
Now gone, forever to be mourned.
My source of awesome anime has been transplanted.
Cartoon Network, you face an enemy scorned!

Though it's been so long I still miss it. RIP Tom.

A poem of mourning, or, a sad and thoughtful poem about the death of an individual."


Brother, son, uncle, artist
Brother of Aaron, Amy, and Jessica
Lover of the arts, cute girls, and love
Who feels happiness, love, tired
Who fears rejection, pain, and falling
Who would like to see Tokyo, Hollywood Undead live, and an acceptance letter to MIT
Resident of Clarkston, Washington


A poem written about one self's life, personality traits, and ambitions."

I Shall Return (Sonnet)

I Shall Return
My only thought as I stand here and ponder
is to what, my love, the thoughts that shall wonder
throughout your mind in my coming absence,
for I wish to be with you at any expense.

But Death has got me
in his tight grasp, so there cannot be,
any escape, anyway to eschew from my fate,
now that I am looking at Hell's gate.

Please do not shed tears with my leave,
for it is only the world that shall misperceive
that I am gone, but every moment I will be there,
watching over, protecting you, so don't despair.

And in this state that I am forced to be,
I shall concoct a plan to flee.


Lyric poems that are 14 lines that usually have one or more conventional rhyme schemes."

Various Poems (The Remainder of Poetrysoup Account)

These are just the remaining poems from my PoetrySoup I just wanted to get them on this blog. I'll put them in their own post and links to explanations on the form.

Brother, son, uncle, artist
Brother of Aaron, Amy, and Jessica
Lover of the arts, cute girls, and love
Who feels happiness, love, tired
Who fears rejection, pain, and falling
Who would like to see Tokyo, Hollywood Undead live, and an acceptance letter to MIT
Resident of Clarkston, Washington

Than-Bauk Poems

Stand with great might,
for this fight is
to smite our foe.

It's Key
Care not for me
as to see that
it's key not to.

Lanterne Poems

whizzing  by
fast and spastic

running from
your nose, slimy

to the ground
ontop of others

The Way It Used To Be (Classicism)

ILOVEYOU (Acrostic)

Sailor Boys (Limerick)

Sailor Boys
The sailor boys all play fun games
It was cute to see them get dames.
Some would get a kiss,
While others would miss,
Not even getting their names.

This is my only Limerick poem, and to be honest it's the only one I'll write. I don't like the fact that it's supposed to be funny, don't get me wrong I write funny poems all the time, but it's just something about limericks that just doesn't sit right (I sound pretty stupid).

As always the following it from Poetrysoup.


A limerick is a five-line, often humorous and ribald poem with a strict meter. Lines 1, 2, and 5 of have seven to ten syllables (three metrical feet) and rhyme with one another. Lines 3 and 4 have five to seven (two metrical feet) syllables and also rhyme with each other. The rhyme scheme is usually "A-A-B-B-A"."