Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gantz Anime and Manga Review

To begin with Gantz is one of my favorite manga series of all time. Everything about it just appeals to me; the art, the story, it's just so fucking good! I know I sound like a complete fanboy... and I am. I'm glad to be doing this as my first anime review. This was one of the first manga I started to read, right afterDBZ, Naruto and Bleach (links are for if you've never seen any anime ever, because otherwise you'd know what those 3 anime are) (in that order), and it was the first anime series that I had bought the whole series of. Also, not that it is important but, it was the first anime that I watched with my family that had a full sex seen (which was the most awkward moment of my life!)

If you've ever read the Princess Bride you'd know not to read or take to serious things written in parentheses, with that said here the rest of the review.
The story is fairly straight forward (Like all anime. Then shit gets going and if you look away you'll be completely fucking lost. You'll quickly get lost in the killing, blood flowing, guts falling, and people fucking, yeah there's sex... but no fucking bush! Like, seriously the first episodes are so damn important, even if they repeat the fucking plot every other episode (Sarcasm! the plot is so damn easy you just have to watch the damn cartoon brainlessly!). See what I told you! What's in the parenthesis doesn't matter!); in Tokyo there is a room and in that room is a sphere(Ball! Dumb Ass) called Gantz, also it's black(and as such it is  dangerous!). When someone dies Gantz transports them into this room. To clarify not everyone that dies in the whole city is chosen by Gantz, only, like, a group of ten (or more, this isn't a math class). So once there, they are like "what happened? I'm supposed to be dead! Am I dead?" And it's really like that each time (Like a bunch of dumb cunts). After a few minutes pass Gantz gives them weapons, armor, and a mission. That mission is to eliminate "an" Alien, as there is never just one (dun dun duuun!) . The missions usually claim over half the team, and after it they are free to go (until the next mission) (Retard paralyzed  prostitutes, that only know how to suck cock would have a better chance at surviving the missions then these pussies! God Damn! Kids in Rwanda thoughtlessly killed their best friends and even family and these fucks can't kill a damgerous Plant-Alien-Thing!)   .
^- And that's the synopsis of the story. Don't worry there is a plot, it's not just senseless killing (Yeah there's fucking too).

^- Okay some senseless violence... they all had it coming... Except maybe the innocent people just there for the ride (Why the fuck would you be on a train during a vampire vs guy with extending sword fight? The fucker deserves to get cut in half!) .
And He Fucks It!
Now that the pesky story ("story") is out of the way, I'll talk about the other half of the reasons to watch or read Gantz. The art is amazing! It's detailed, realistic, awesome! (Though he cheats and uses computers as well as assistants, but who can blame him drawing is fucking hard.) Unlike other manga (cough*cough*Bleach*cough) that don't really have backgrounds, Gantz has a fully detailed-realistic background in almost every panel (On a side note Bleach or more so the author Tite Kubo, has gotten so lazy it's sick, not just in art but story telling as well... And every damn week I read the new chapter). As previously stated there are sex scenes in Gantz... well, as of now there's really only been a few sex scenes, but a shit ton of nudity!SPOILER (Kinda)(Who fucking cares) Right now in the manga every non-Gantzer character is full-blown-bare-ass-fucking naked. Gantz is also extremely fucking violent, gory (I'm so fucking redundant!). Needless to say, Gantz has it all!
"Background? What's that?"
-Tite Kubo-

I've covered the art of the manga, now for the animation of the anime (It's animated and Asian what else can be said?). It's good, really good (like Winnie the Poo good and that's fucking good!). The only thing I could complain about is that it uses some dumb-ass CGI a few times, which can ruin any anime and it usually does (I remember when the Iron Man anime's trailer (the first one) was released and everyone thought it was going to be Gods Gift to nerd-kind... and then the second one came out. Completely different, instead a good animation CGI was chosen! Fucking Mad House ruined a possible green-haired Pepper and a very Asian Pirate bad guy.). But you quickly forget about it and shift your attention to the people getting slaughtered by aliens (Complete Rapeage). The good thing is is that it doesn't come until around the 2nd to final arc (The CGI that is.).
The fights are fucking epic, brutal and a whole bunch of other stuff.

There is, however, one thing I've noticed is that people bitch about when they talk about Gantz, and that is the fact that the characters don't pull the trigger fast enough (I am a complete fucking hypocrite). What I'm saying is that when the characters are first confronted with the enemy they can't bring themselves to kill a living thing for no reason (Which if you think about it most people don't have that problem, you know why? Because we're fucking evil and sick! Humans suck.). See, the characters show real emotions, it's hard for them to kill innocent creatures (see Gantz doesn't give a reason as to why they must kill, it's just they either do it or they die) (Spoiler! The aliens are in fact aliens. Fuck you smart ass! What I'm saying is, because they are foreign to Earth Gantz wants them dead. It's like if Americans (The Southern Racist (Like Texas and Arizona) went out and started killing illegal immigrants. The author is trying to be all socially conscious... Fucking hippie.), so you can see that it is hard for them to kill. Everyone is like "I would have just killed that alien" but it's not that easy (It is.). Throughout the series the character's emotions and personalities change as they experience the traumas of "alien hunting" (They become cold and uncaring. AKA they become men, their balls drop and they stop being pussies, even the women.).

My personal opinion is that this is the greatest anime (Not including Hentai.) and one the the best manga I have ever read (And I've read a lot of manga). The anime does fall short and ends with a shitty filler ending. I say shitty because the manga continues for several hundred chapters after the anime's conclusion and it's ending leaves the viewer with a "WTF" feeling. However, in a theatrical P.O.V the ending is actually-kinda good, making what happens after the cliffhanger ending, actually, kinda hard to image, thought provoking even (Blew your fucking mind with that crap sentence full of commas and shit!).

But that was my review of Gantz without trying to give away any spoilers (should have gave away the ending). I'm still new to reviewing, with this being my first (I fucking suck). I really didn't want to give away anything to an unsuspecting reader.

Reasons to watch:

  • Da Violence and Brutality
  • The Sex and Nudity
  • The Quality (Both anime and manga)
  • And some other stuff

Also another reason why I love the manga is that the author, Hiroya Oku, straight out tells you how he makes it; the programs he uses and some of the processes. Now that doensn’t sound like that big deal, and it isn’t, but how many mangaka have actually done that? Not many. -> How he makes it.

So as a final note, the anime is good but the manga is better, as always... Damn that was long!

You can read Gantz here.
And the Anime here.

Genres: Action, Adult, Drama, Ecchi, Horror, Psychological, Romance, Sci-fi, Seinen, Tragedy

Random Gantz Trailer


Summary By Mangafox:
Somewhere in Tokyo, there is a room. In that room is a black sphere. Periodically, people who should otherwise have died are transferred to the room. There, the sphere gives them special suits and weapons, and sends them out on a mission to kill aliens here on Earth. While these missions take place, the rest of the world is largely oblivious to them. These missions are lethal--few participants survive them. The sphere calls the shots, and it's not the slightest bit nice. Its name... Gantz.


Ratings (Max is 5 ♥(Heart))
Plot:♥♥♥♥ (Pretty Complex)
Art:♥♥♥♥♥ (Amazing!)
Characters:♥♥♥♥♥ (Real Emotions)
Action/Violence:♥♥♥♥♥ (Gore)
Romance:♥♥♥ (There's passionless Sex)
Comedy:♥ (It's a serious series)
Dubbing:♥♥♥♥ (Good)

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