Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Guest Blogging

Is guest blogging a good idea?
I have never had them and I have never been one. I dont see the appeal in it. however I do see the use in having friends or associate write for your blog. but that is a blog with multiple authors. in which case i find that to be a wise desicion. it adds a variety of voices that is really nice. But guest blogging is a bad decision... unless...

lets say you start a blog and it does really well, someone from aother blog that is doing really well asks you to write an article for them for some money... then its okay. or, you have money or some one whose name is well know wants to write an original post for your blog and just having there name attached to that post will bring in a diffinite amount of viewers, in that chase it is okay... there are actually many instances in which guest blogging is okay. the one thing you want to avoid is posting something that has been on a dozen other sites.

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