Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Various Poems (The Remainder of Poetrysoup Account)

These are just the remaining poems from my PoetrySoup I just wanted to get them on this blog. I'll put them in their own post and links to explanations on the form.

Brother, son, uncle, artist
Brother of Aaron, Amy, and Jessica
Lover of the arts, cute girls, and love
Who feels happiness, love, tired
Who fears rejection, pain, and falling
Who would like to see Tokyo, Hollywood Undead live, and an acceptance letter to MIT
Resident of Clarkston, Washington

I Shall Return
My only thought as I stand here and ponder
is to what, my love, the thoughts that shall wonder
throughout your mind in my coming absence,
for I wish to be with you at any expense.

But Death has got me
in his tight grasp, so there cannot be,
any escape, anyway to eschew from my fate,
now that I am looking at Hell's gate.

Please do not shed tears with my leave,
for it is only the world that shall misperceive
that I am gone, but every moment I will be there,
watching over, protecting you, so don't despair.

And in this state that I am forced to be,
I shall concoct a plan to flee.

Toonami I Miss You So
Once, something we took for granted
Now gone, forever to be mourned.
My source of awesome anime has been transplanted.
Cartoon Network, you face an enemy scorned!

Though it's been so long I still miss it. RIP Tom.

William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft
To big to fit on the raft.
So the sent for the barge
Seriously, he was extremely large!

Where I Belong
Setting and watching as the world goes by,
I wonder where I fit in,
Then I see it is here.


I am plain, being given very little.
The world sees me as inferior to 
my diaganal halves. But I continue
to be used in that which makes a 
larger. My four sides may buckle,
but it is the same for everyone. 360
degrees, the sum of my angles. You
may called my what you will, but I 
am happy to to called a Square...


A Forest
Forest can be woody and shady,
But the ground is leafy and smelly.

Broken Body
Within this broken body you will find:

1 broken heart,

a million goals never accomplished,

numerous ideas, never to be brought into the world,

2 past crushes, that remainded ignorant of my feelings,

101 forgotten names

and so much more.


such a
gift that so
many decide
to throw away, like
a common peice of trash.
I wish to never litter.
As your life, to me, is precious.
Please stay by me as the world turns to
a  large landfill of lost lives and lost love.

Past Love
It appeared, for the longest time, that I was over you.
Each day my mind would bury your memory,
Continualy obsturing your face and your touch.
I began to shift my gaze.
I started looking straight ahead.
The past was to my back.

But most recently, from the depths of my mind,
You sprang forth!
Now I am once again at a crossroad.
Which path should I take?
That is the only question that is on my mind.
It devours my whole being.

To my right;
It is a life of hardships,
But in the darkness you'll be there.
Embracing, pushing away our troubles.
And that is all we would need, each other.
Mediocrady, but love.

And to my left;
Life like the gentle flow of a river.
Lonely but easy going.
Walking in solidarity, being content.
And I will ever long for more.
Exceptional, but alone.

Thoughs are my options, but I am stuck
Looking at the diverging road.
[Blank Verse]

to manifest
into a cruel conundrum of rittles.

I See
see the
world ever
so clearly now,
that it forces me to question myself.

First Alliteration
Anything Apathetic
Is Informal If
You Yell Yonder
The Things Thoughtlessly

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