Wednesday, November 19, 2014


This Blog?
The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my becoming a professional blogger, or to put it more bluntly... me making enough money to support myself with only blogging. So... about 100 dollars a day would be enough to survive. It's a blog without a niche. But for the most part there will be a "How to blog" stuff and other entertaining and informative stuff.

What have I done?
Well... I've had some pretty good blogs, I think my best day had like 10,000 views... that won't be enough to get to my 100 dollar a day goal, but it's a start.
I don't want to follow a format for this blog. I want it to be free flowing and as personal as possible... but I can't have it be completely transparent. I need some aminimoty.
So... how many views do I need? Well I read that to make 100,000 dollars blogging you need to get 100,000 views a day. With some simple math:
36,500,000 v's = $100,000 $/y
3,041,666 v's = $8,333 $/m
101,388 v's = $277 $/d
With my best day being 10,000 views all I have to do is increase it by a factor of 10. Easy enough... not really. I've never really stuck to a blog and I most definitely have never made a blog search engine optimized... so if I do that and spend time writing posts i should be able to.

But anyways that's my introduction. Thanks for reading, please feel free to explore the site and read more about how to blog.

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