Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Color Blind

This is probably by favorite non-rhyme poem I have written. The meaning behind it isn't hidden, the average reader could read it and understand what I was trying to convey. It's for those reason why I like it so much.

It has come to be all so apparent,
That life is so bleak and desolate.
My world has fallen over with nothing to remain.
Oh, how I long to once again,
Be in that ignorant bless,
So that I may once again live.

Your red lips have faded to
A gloom infested perpetual grey.
Those blue eyes that I once so loved,
That I would wake to,
Have vanished into the haze of black and grays.
You are a blank canvas to my eyes.

I will forever see the world,
Not as it is wanted, but needed.
The colors have faded, the sharpness gone,
But the shape remains true.
I am not blinded by the beauty,
But presented the form.

On my knees begging, I am here,
Once again wanting
Ignorance over fact, beauty over pragmatism.
Oh, how I want see the facade of beauty,
And never inner workings of it.
Oh, how I want to be shallow and see beauty. 

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