Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Content for Your Blog

Content: A quick overview and helpful guide to content and the role it plays for your blog.

Content is literally everything. A blog without content is empty so this post is going to state some obvious stuff.

Some people write long post and spend hours on them, others write short posts. there are examples of both kinds being successful and of them failing. I usually write posts that are some what short... But i usually come back to them and make them much longer. its how i do it. I like to get the main idea in there and come back and expand it and write more precisely. I don't like having half finished articles laying around my PC so I write them up in a way that they seem complete but I can go back to them, thus i post them.

For some people this strategy might not be the best and even I get lazy and never go back to them.
Lengthy articles can make your blog have better results on search engines and they create a form of legitimacy, though its just the essence. With long posts more visual stimulation is required, which more pictures can be helpful and it all adds up to more outgoing links. But its hard to stay entertaining the longer you drag a post out. With shorter posts you have to make sure the article is to the point and says what it needs to say. And on top of all that it needs to be entertaining, which is easy.

Pictures are always a good thing, they make the article entertaining and better looking. People usually skim an article to get the main idea and a picture will redirect their eyes... usually to whats underneath it.

Here's a somewhat useful article about how long a blog post should be,
How Long Should My Blog Post Be?

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