Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Every Haiku I've Written So Far

Every Haiku I've Written So Far
Here are all the Haiku poems that I have written. I have them on my Poetrysoup. They are about various things, some are serious and others are not.

Here is Poetrysoup's difinition of Haiku.

"A Japanese poem composed of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five moras (a unit of sound that determines syllable weight in some languages) respectively, usually about some form of nature. Although haiku are often stated to have 17 syllables,[2] this is inaccurate as syllables and moras are not the same. Haiku typically contain a kigo (seasonal reference), and a kireji (cutting word).[3] In Japanese, haiku are traditionally printed in a single vertical line and tend to take aspects of the natural world as their subject matter, while haiku in English often appear in three lines to parallel the three phrases of Japanese haiku and may deal with any subject matter."

Sticky Notes

All of the colors
Placed throughout my desk and room
Words which to cypher

Rationing the needs
Never to have what they want
We must end this now

Spinning are we, through
A changing society
Around and around

Small and meaningless
But holds the world in it's hands
Money paints us green.

They fly oh so high
Reaching even more so heights
Soon to land on ground

Blanketing the Earth
Holding a bounty of all
It's a mystery

The Sun
Blaze, light, forever shine
Never to be looked into,
To fade in sweet bless

The Moon
In the sky shining
Cursed forever to the night
Only to see dark

Kicks that carry force
Carried out beautifully
Majestic style

Muay Thai
Effective and tough
Made to get the job done fast
Beautiful and sweet

Blazing summer days,
Rains come at any moment,
To cool our hot brows.

Green, towering high,
Once nothing more than a seed,
They block out the sun.

Money talks, so spend,
Because I want to hear you.
Your voice it, is sweet.

Ashes of Life
The fires blazing,
Ashes fall over the land,
New life will soon grow.

Rushing Rivers
Rushing white water,
Crushing everything below.
Soon to flow smoothly.

New Life
Death envelopes all.
But from that predistiny,
Will surely come birth.

Haikus are really easy to make and quite fun.

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